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Democrats' Unpopular Anti-Tech Crusade
By Will Marshall
Founder and President of the Progressive Policy Institute

for New York Daily News

President Biden’s policies have helped to subdue the COVID pandemic and put people back to work. But he’s getting little credit because Americans are transfixed by soaring prices for fuel, food and other necessities.

Inflation hovers like an alien spaceship over the Democrats’ midterm election prospects. U.S. voters say they trust Republicans over Democrats to handle it, by a whopping 19 points. They also give Republicans a 14-point lead on managing the economy.

To make matters worse, some congressional Democrats are pressing for a vote this summer on ill-conceived “antitrust” legislation aimed at dismantling America’s most innovative and competitive tech companies.

With inflation eating away at working families’ purchasing power, it’s hard to imagine a more effective way for Democrats to show they are out of touch with voters’ everyday economic struggles.

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