Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday. It is a day to reflect on what kind of future you want for children here and around the world. It is a day to make a meaningful financial contribution to make that future real.
This year we ask you to prioritize the fight to drive the fascist Trump/Pence regime in your holiday giving. Several generous donors have done so by pledging to DOUBLE your donations up to $2000.

What could be more important than stopping the fascist nightmare being hammered into place by the Trump/Pence regime? Stopping the caging of children, the accelerated environmental devastation, the lies and misogyny, the grotesque white supremacy, and so much more?
The only way this can be done is through the mass struggle of the people demanding the removal of the regime. We've recently made an important advance in this effort through the 5-week launch of the #OUTNOW Movement.
Now, we need your involvement and financial support to take this fight forward.
> > We urge you to donate generously to today and tomorrow.

After you do, please use your social media to let others know that you gave and ask them to do the same. Or, spread this post on Twitter

and/or on Facebook
We are also proud to share with you this report on the mass organizing meetings we held a week ago strategize and plan for a month of December Disruptions to take this fight forward.
And we ask that you mark your calendar now to take part in nationwide mass protests demanding the removal of the Trump/Pence fascist regime on Saturday, December 14.
In the name of humanity, it is up to us to stop a fascist America. Donate generously and step up your involvement in this fight with us today.
The Refuse Fascism National Team