
You know by now that I don’t beat around the bush, so I’m just going to be honest: I am going to ask you for money in this email.

Frankly, this should be illegal.

It should be illegal to need to be born into money or beg for donations to run for office.

But we can't change things if we don't elect people who see the problem.

I'm fighting to keep self-funded career politicians and dark-money Republicans like Lauren Boebert from letting corporations and conspiracies control our government. And as much as I hate it, I don’t have a chance at winning if I don’t get a boost in fundraising.

Can you chip in $25 or more to my campaign so I can stand up to self-funded career politicians and corporate sellouts, and bring common-sense, people-powered change to Colorado?

I hate getting emails like this, too.

The only thing I hate more is having to write them because our political system is so f*cked up that the only way to run a successful campaign is to scrape together enough money to compete with trust fund babies and soulless sell-outs that make up the majority of Congress.

But with your help, we’re building a movement that believes in moving past the bullshit — making elections and voting fair and accessible; and getting conspiracy-pushing corporate puppets like Lauren Boebert out of office.

It’s not quite the election reform our country so desperately needs, but it’s the first step.

Thank you for taking this step with me.








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Denver, CO 80202


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