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Government officials who are insolent in regard to the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution do not thereby earn the protection of either.

Elected government officials who have been given a position of power by the people and who use that power to benefit themselves at the expense of the people are by definition traitors.

Freedom of the Press was meant to help secure the freedom of the American people from government abuses.  It is not that anymore. 

Freedom of the Press has become Freedom to Lie.  Multi-national companies like AT&T (CNN), Disney (ABC), and Comcast (NBC), and Fox Corporation (Fox News)  conspire with government officials to lie to the American
people for their mutual benefit.

What was meant to be the freedom to criticize the U. S. government is today the freedom of multi-national corporations to lie to the American people  in order to increase their profits and protect/befriend corrupt American politicians.

The greatest victims of “Freedom to Lie” are the American people.


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