Ilhan for Congress

Our movement’s average donation this cycle is $21.51 — and that number means a lot to us.

It means that grassroots supporters like you — often the people with the biggest stake in the issues that we’re fighting for — power our campaign.

That’s why Ilhan refuses to take even a penny from corporate PACs. Our progressive movement is focused on fighting for the people, not corporations like Big Pharma and Big Oil, or evil lobbyists like the NRA, that are set on rolling back our progress.

While this means we have to put way more time into small-dollar fundraising, it’s 100% worth it. As a refugee, first-generation college student with student loan debt who knows what it’s like to go paycheck to paycheck, Ilhan has lived the struggles so many people experience every day.

All of her work in Congress centers on addressing those struggles to build a brighter future for everyone, from her fights to cancel student loan debt, to passing universal school meals, to making long overdue, sensible gun safety reforms a reality.

That’s why we’re reaching out today. Ilhan is counting on this grassroots movement's support to stay in Congress and keep up our collective work for progress. So we’ve set a $15,000 fundraising goal ahead of our final mid-month deadline of the quarter to help us fight back against any outside spending and lay the groundwork to win our primary in August.

Before our deadline expires, can you chip in any amount, whether it’s $5, $10, or our average donation of $21.51, to keep Ilhan in Congress?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for your support.

— Team Ilhan