Dear John,
It’s more apparent every day that climate change is real, it’s scary, and it’s no longer a future threat -- it’s already here. As more and more Americans wake up to this reality, it’s hard to know what to do about it.
That’s where Better Future Project <[link removed]> comes in.
Our statewide activist-led network, 350 Mass, is helping to create a massive movement ready to direct fear and anxiety into action. As our 18 nodes across the state build power on the ground, we work through coalitions to put solutions on the table that don’t just address climate change, but also strengthen and improve society in the process. Solutions like a Massachusetts Green New Deal <[link removed]>, which will not only clean up our air and water, but create hundreds of thousands of jobs and address racial and economic justice. In solidarity with people on the frontlines of climate change, we give people the pathways, structures, and tools they need to turn their climate anxiety into climate action.
With Divest Ed, we’re empowering students at almost 100 campuses around the nation to push their universities to divest their endowments from fossil fuels, and have helped lock in some big wins this year at universities like Middlebury College, Smith College, and the University of California.
And we’re helping more neighborhoods prepare for uncertain futures through Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW) which is working with libraries, houses of worship, shelters, civic centers, and more to create resilience hubs and engage their communities on how to make it through climate impacts -- together.
We know that we need a lot more people to be part of the climate movement if we’re going to be successful. And today, we’re asking you to step up and be an even bigger part of the climate movement by making a generous year-end gift to support our work. <[link removed]>
Please, dig deep, give generously, and ask your friends to do the same. <[link removed]> We’re all in. Are you?
Let’s do this!
Craig S. Altemose
Executive Director
Better Future Project <[link removed]>
Better Future Project - 30 Bow St, Cambridge, MA 02138, United States
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