Anne Schlafly Cori and Kris Ullman
Eagle Forum is Your Voice
Dear Eagle Friend,
A longtime member of Eagle Forum just called me because she is so excited about the future of Eagle Forum under the leadership of our new president, Kris Ullman.
She said, "I will match every $100 donation to Eagle Forum". Yes, double your contribution today and this Eagle will match your donation!
2022 marks the 50th Anniversary of Eagle Forum and we are celebrating! Our new president, Kris Ullman, was personally trained by our founder, Phyllis Schlafly, and Kris has an impressive resume. She worked as Executive Director of Eagle Forum in Washington, D.C.; she has a law degree; she worked as Deputy Associate Attorney General in the U.S. Department of Justice; and she is married with three children. We are honored that Kris is willing and able to guide Eagle Forum to start our second half-century.
Eagle Forum is critically important today because we are not afraid to tackle the big issues. The Left keeps trying to cancel Eagle Forum, but our powerful network of volunteer Eagles across America is actively engaged in stopping bad policy and promoting good policy. Our children and grandchildren need the sound information from Eagle Forum.
President Kris Ullman clearly frames what America is facing: "Eagle Forum explains how each issue impacts the family." Eagle Forum was founded to give wives and mothers a voice in the public policy square and the family is more important than ever.
Donate $100 today so we can double your contribution!
God bless you,
Anne Schlafly Cori
chairman, Eagle Forum