CNN: "The string of that evidence that got laid out last night is the most devastating portrait of [Trump’s] culpability and I do think it puts a lot more pressure on Merrick Garland and the Justice Department.”

Watch here. Then, sign the petition to Merrick Garland.

Turn on images to see the CNN clip about the Jan 6 hearing.

This week, Jamie Raskin and the bipartisan Jan 6 investigation have already presented bombshell details about the months-long conspiracy by Trump and a criminal network to overturn the 2020 election and block the peaceful transfer of power.

Even with much more to come, it is already abundantly clear: Trump knew he lost the 2020 election before, during, and after January 6th. He knew he lost, he summoned the mob, assembled the mob, lit the flames of this attack, and launched what Committee member Liz Cheney called "a sophisticated seven-part plan to overturn the presidential election and prevent the transfer of presidential power."

As CNN's Jake Tapper just said, "This was about Donald Trump." CNN also said the case is being made for Trump "criminality."

Failure to hold those who broke the law legally accountable will allow future attacks to succeed and the threat to our democracy will only grow.

SIGN THE PETITION TO ATTORNEY GENERAL MERRICK GARLAND: Trump and his criminal network of coup conspirators must be prosecuted for lawbreaking. Nobody is above the law, including ex-presidents.

We will deliver signatures to Merrick Garland’s office and share the support for this petition with the media and key allies in Congress.

Americans are now seeing the factual evidence of a criminal conspiracy that started long before the violence on Jan 6 that injured 140 police officers. In the lead up to the attack, Trump and his allies made it harder for people to vote, attempted to appoint bogus electors to overturn the will of voters, and intimidated state officials to change the results in multiple states.

But this is not just about the past. What the committee is showing proves that Trump and his allies are part of an ongoing campaign to sabotage future elections by changing state laws, threatening state officials, and packing election administration offices so that they can have the final say over election results -- even when they lose.

This was -- and still is -- an attack on our vote, our voice, and our democracy. The threat will continue until those who broke the law are held accountable.

We can not let history repeat itself. 

SIGN THE PETITION TO MERRICK GARLAND: Trump and his criminal network of coup conspirators must be prosecuted for lawbreaking. Nobody is above the law, including ex-presidents.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

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