Big News!
For the first time in DECADES, the U.S. Senate leaders announced a bi-partisan agreement on gun violence prevention legislation!
For the last six years at Community Justice, we have urged lawmakers to pass legislation to invest in community-based violence intervention strategies to reduce and take legislative action to address the flood of guns into communities most vulnerable to gun violence.
Last week I even went and testified before Congress to demand change and fight for investments in our communities. Today, it’s clear they heard my voice, but more importantly, they heard all of yours.
In an agreement led by Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), we are proud to share this historic package will include policies that will be life saving for our communities, including:
- Advances Extreme Risk Protection Orders
Efforts to Prevent Gun Trafficking In Our Communities
- $15 Billion will be dedicated to mental health funding and community violence intervention programs.
- Closing the Boyfriend Loophole to Protect Domestic Violence Victims
Enhanced Review Process for Under 21 Gun Purchasers
- Support for State Crisis Intervention Orders And More!
While there is still much work to do, we wanted to make sure you heard this exciting news. We need you in the fight more than ever.
Please join me in calling your Senator to urge them to vote yes.