Poor People’s Campaign marches to eradicate poverty Indivisibles,
Wealth inequality is entrenching itself as a central aspect of modern American life. And, whether it’s the price of gas, groceries, or fast food, Americans are feeling the squeeze of inflation driving up the cost of living while wages fall further behind. Add to all of that housing and healthcare crises driven by corporate greed, and we are at a tipping point where the average American is beginning to fear there is no path to a home of their own, savings, or retirement.
140 million people in this country are so poor or low-wealth that they are one emergency away from economic ruin. And as we know, the burdens of poverty and wealth inequality in this country disproportionately affect People of Color, women, the LGBTQ+ community, and those with disabilities.
These interlocking crises demand an intersectional response.
Join us as we partner with the Poor People’s Campaign for Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington on Saturday, June 18. Poor and low-wage people will stand shoulder to shoulder with all justice-loving people to make the country hear and see their pain. Together, we will uplift a moral call to heal and transform our nation from the bottom up. If you are coming from outside of DC, click here to find buses heading to the march.
We must challenge the myth of scarcity in this country. We must confront the extractive class of plutocrats who are benefitting from our oppression. And, we must remind each other that we are in this fight together, supporting one another until we see living wages, universal healthcare, affordable housing, and quality education for all.
The event lasts one day; the movement lasts until we see a better tomorrow.
We’ll see you in DC. Let’s get to work.
In solidarity, Indivisible Team