From Bob Carlstrom <[email protected]>
Subject It should be easy to vote and hard to cheat
Date June 11, 2022 3:06 PM
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Your vote this November won't matter if the Leftists get their
way, friend...
Right now, the progressive socialists in your city councils,
county boards, and state legislatures are doing everything they
can to cheat and corrupt the election process and turn our
elections upside down.
In states like Georgia, these leftists are trying to stop
critical voter ID laws to make it easier to cheat and steal the
In Minnesota, they're trying to pass legislation that would give
16-year-olds the right to vote AND let convicted felons vote as
soon as they walk out of prison. And in Virginia, they're
trying to expand mail-in voting so they can rig the count.
Well, friend, I want your vote to count this November. I want my
vote to count. I want the votes of every legal, registered,
law-abiding citizen to count.
Not illegal immigrants. Not dead people. And not people who can't
prove who they say they are.
With time quickly running out before the November election, I
need to know if I can count on you to help me and my team at AMAC
Action stop each and every one of the left's gross attempts to
destroy the integrity of our elections.

COUNT ON ME!" <<I wish I was sitting down with you right now
instead of writing you this email... because I could go on and on
about what the left is doing to steal our elections. Since I
can't, I'll sum it up like this:
The 2020 election was just the beginning - and in every state,
the Leftists are up to their dirty tricks to manipulate elections
and besmirch the character of conservative candidates.
That includes repealing voter ID laws to make it easier for
liberal activists to vote as many times as they can. That
includes expanding mail-in voting to make it easier to throw away
votes from conservatives like you and me. That includes giving
convicted felons and illegal immigrants the ability to register
and vote without any restriction. But here's the good news,
friend. YOU have the power put a stop to all this right here,
right now by helping me and my team at AMAC Action.
AMAC Action is leading the charge to shut these dangerous
policies down.
As I'm writing you this letter, AMAC members and AMAC Action
Delegates across the country are meeting with legislators in
every state to let them know that the American people DO NOT want
these radical changes to our election procedures.
But the only way we'll be successful is if you step up today and
help AMAC Action stop the dangerous, left-wing legislation that
will give them permanent control over our country for generations
to come.
Will you help AMAC Action fight to protect our elections from
being stolen by the left with a generous contribution of just $10
or more today?

COUNT ON ME!" <<Here's why your help is so important today.
The fight to protect free and fair elections is a "David vs.
Goliath" battle... ... and we're not "Goliath" in this fight.

It's true that AMAC Action is leading the charge to stop
dangerous left-wing election reforms from radically overhauling
our state and local elections.
But the left-wing politicians trying to repeal voter ID laws and
allow millions of undocumented immigrants to vote are backed by
hundreds of millions of dollars from well-connected left-wing
special interest groups like the ACLU and the League of Women
The only hope AMAC Action has to successfully stop the left from
stealing our future elections is with your support.
And friend, I know that if you and every other patriot reading
this email takes action right now, we will win.
Just a few months ago, liberals in the New Mexico state
legislature tried to pass a bill that would have expanded access
to fraud-prone mail-in voting and give felons the ability to
register and vote the very moment they walked out of prison.
Our AMAC Action members spoke up and sent over 14,000 messages to
the leftist state senators - urging them to shut down this
dangerous bill. And it worked! A few days later, the
liberal-controlled State Senate FAILED to pass their own bill.
AMAC Action didn't have a massive treasure chest like the left.
We won because we had passionate, patriotic conservatives like
you on our side who stood up and spoke out.
And if we can stop a dangerous bill like that in the heavily
"blue" state of New Mexico, I'm confident we can do it in
Georgia, Minnesota, Virginia, and every other state where
leftists are threatening to cheat our elections.
Will you please chip in just $10 or more to AMAC Action to help
us protect the integrity of our elections in all 50 states?

COUNT ON ME!" <<A "fair" election doesn't mean letting
millions of illegal immigrants and convicted felons taint our
election results.
It doesn't mean letting people who can't prove who they say they
are rig our elections by voting more than once. It doesn't mean
letting the voting booths, ballot boxes, and voter verification
systems go unsupervised so the left can traffic votes in their
And with your help today, AMAC Action will make sure none of
those radical reforms become reality.
So please, friend, chip in just $10 or more to AMAC Action and
help us protect free and fair elections in your community today.

COUNT ON ME!" <<Sincerely, Bob Carlstrom President, AMAC

AMAC stands here to fight for our God-given rights and to
protect our American values! We stand guard for our Constitution
and the freedom it guarantees.© AMAC Action. All rights
reserved. | [link removed]
1904 Thomas Avenue, Suite 103, Leesburg, FL 34748

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