You and I both know that something as big as rebuilding our care system requires deep and intentional action. But most people in the U.S. haven’t begun to think about what that really looks like.
If we want to make the change we need, we have to start reaching people who aren’t already on board. But we can’t do it alone. That’s where you come in.
We put together a new ad with one of the most influential ad firms in the country – our first ever! – to get a wide audience of people thinking about care. It’s hopeful, compelling, cinematic, and effective. We’re really excited about it – and we have a plan to reach people over YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.
Will you help us reach as many people as possible by making a contribution for our new ad and more like it? Every $25 we raise helps us reach 1,000 more people.

One of the biggest issues in our work is that many people who are caregiving or receiving care don’t see themselves as part of a larger, collective experience and care ecosystem. Our culture has taught us to see our care needs as our individual challenge to figure out by ourselves, and we’ve found that often, people can’t envision what collective solutions to our caregiving needs would even look like.
That’s why Caring Across has partnered with Grey Midwest, one of the most effective advertising firms in the country, to create an ad about the future of care. We believe it will give people the hope that collective solutions to care are possible, and very much within our reach.
Now we just need to make sure as many people as possible experience it. (You can watch it here.)
The ad is designed to reach caregivers, people who need care, and anyone who is touched by care – but don’t think of themselves as part of a movement. They’re the Caring Majority, and they’re exactly the people we need to have in our corner as we work to change the care system. Your support can help us reach more of them!
The more people we can inspire to believe that collective, public solutions to our families’ care needs are possible and within reach, the closer we will be to making these solutions a reality for families across the country.
After the ad runs, we’ll report back how many people we’ve reached. We’re confident we can reach up to 700,000 people with our ad and more ads like it but it takes a village and we need your help to do it.
Make your contribution today to make sure we can reach even more people.
With care and gratitude,
Ishita Srivastava, Chief of Narrative and Culture Change
Caring Across Generations
PS: Not in a position to make a contribution right now? That’s ok! Watch the ad — then share our fundraising page with your friends and family to help pitch in.