Thank you!
Thanks to all the pastors and church leaders who joined us for our lunch and briefing with Michigan Supreme Court Justice Brian Zahra on Wednesday! Brian shared his unique perspective on navigating the critical issues of our times. Our own James Muffett spoke about the foundational principles of good governance and how important it is for us to stand up and vote for the traditional values we hold dear.

CTV continues to host events like this one to help inform and equip church leaders in Michigan. We recognize that you are often on the front lines of our culture and we want you to be prepared for what comes your way.
Prayer Event on July 22nd
Bishop Windle Davis of El Bethel Church is hosting a prayer event in Kalkaska, MI in just a few weeks. You are welcome to come and pray for spiritual awakening and God's hand upon Michigan in these tumultuous times.
Friday, July 22nd
12:00 – 4:00pm
Kaliseum Recreation Complex
1900 Fairgrounds Rd
Kalkaska, MI
For any questions, please contact Windle Davis by phone at 269-208-8691 or email at [email protected].
Education Update
Bill Banning Critical Race Theory in Schools Clears Senate Panel

Last November, a bill designed to prohibit public schools from promoting race or gender stereotyping passed the Michigan House of Representatives after a number of amendments. It recently cleared a Senate committee in a 4-0 vote with Sen. Ken Horn (R-Frankenmuth) abstaining. Democrats in this committee staged a walkout shortly after attendance was taken in protest of the bill.

"I believe that it's our duty to create a positive and inclusive environment in the classroom for all students," said Rep. Andrew Beeler.

The bill can be read in its current state here. In summary, it proposes that curriculum standards encompass academic instruction only. It prohibits race or gender stereotyping in schools, including the idea that individuals are born racist or that individuals bear collective guilt for historical wrongs committed by their race or gender.
Bills Allowing Children to Opt Out of Mask & Vaccine Mandates Discussed

This Tuesday, the Michigan House Education Committee heard testimony on several bills designed to allow exemptions from mask and COVID-19 vaccination mandates in public schools. Under these bills, a parent could sign a waiver to allow their child to attend a school without complying with mask and/or vaccination mandates.

Regarding the proposed legislation, Sen. Kim LaSata (R-Niles) said, "We have learned through scientific studies that masks in schools do little to prevent transmission of COVID-19 while at the same time make it more difficult for children to recognize faces and therefore more difficult to engage in normal socialization... Studies have also shown facemasks contribute to rising incidences of depression and anxiety in students."

Rather than letting the government override the parent's fundamental right to direct the care and education of their children, we must stand up for legislation that champions the importance of family and the responsibility of mothers and fathers to raise up their children in the way they should go.

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6
Pro-Life Update
Don't Sign The Pro-Abortion Petition!

Planned Parenthood and the ACLU have launched a petition drive to enshrine abortion in our State Constitution. Remember, if you are approached to sign a "Michigan Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative," don't do it! This poorly named initiative is designed to legalize abortion in the event that Roe v. Wade is struck down in the coming months.

Did you know? This amendment would repeal Michigan's partial-birth abortion ban and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. It also allows for late-term abortions.

This goes much further than any previous pro-abortion law or policy, allowing for nearly unrestricted abortion access. This "anything-goes" effort must be stopped if we are to save the lives of tens of thousands of Michigan babies every year.

CTV is a coalition partner with Right to Life and others to fight for the women and children in our state—find out more by visiting:

Louisiana vs. Abortion Drugs

The Louisiana Senate passed a bill on Friday that would ban the shipment of abortion-inducing drugs to expectant mothers within the state. The bill prohibits mailing abortion pills to anyone other than a licensed doctor. Abortion industry leaders have touted mail-order do-it-yourself abortions as a way forward after the potential repeal of Roe vs. Wade. This bill is now headed to the desk of Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards. In the past, Edwards has signed some pro-life legislation. Read more by clicking here.
Ballot Petition Update
We are nearing the end of the campaigns for the Let MI Kids Learn and Secure MI Vote ballot initiatives. Thanks for all your hard work! Here's an update on what's happening right now.

Secure MI Vote is still gathering additional signatures to make sure the number is well above what's required. For now, it's operating on a "rolling deadline." All signatures from the last 180 days will count at the time of submission. With the slow start this campaign had, very few signatures will "drop off" while many more are being processed as we speak. The plan is to submit sometime in June—very soon.

If you have signatures to submit for Secure MI Vote, please mail them to this address by Monday, June 20th:

Secure MI Vote
106 W Allegan St Suite 200
Lansing MI 48933

Let MI Kids Learn is in a similar situation. Additional signatures are being gathered to ensure the required amount is met. It is also operating on a "rolling deadline" and will also be submitted in June.

If you have signatures to submit for Let MI Kids Learn, please mail them to this address by Monday, June 20th:

National Petition Management
24293 Telegraph Road, Suite 285
Southfield, MI 48033
Student Statesmanship Institute Discount
Looking for an unforgettable experience this summer?

The Student Statesmanship Institute (SSI) is a key partner of CTV. They're equipping the next generation to be ambassadors for Christ through their LEAD Summer Program. You can make a difference by sending your teens to an experience they won't soon forget!

This year, every first-time student can receive $100 off their registration!

At LEAD, students are challenged to step outside of their comfort zone and build their faith. Through life-like simulations, hands-on leadership training, dynamic speakers, and nightly worship, students are equipped to break free of the low expectations society has set for their generation. This experience empowers young people to achieve their full God-given potential and to shine as Ambassadors for Christ!

This summer, there are three weeks of LEAD to choose from: 

• Week 1: June 26-July 1
• Week 2: July 10-15
• Week 3: July 24-29

Do you know any students who want to challenge themselves while also having fun and making friends? What about a teen with potential just waiting to be unlocked? Send them to LEAD this year to experience a life altering summer that will equip and empower them as leaders! 

To learn more about the LEAD Summer Program and the ministry of SSI, you can visit their website at
Consider How You Can Support CTV
Citizens for Traditional Values relies on the support of grassroots activists and concerned citizens who care about preserving, protecting, and promoting the faith-based values that sustain good governance. Your prayer support and financial contributions enable us to be effective as we stand for truth in local communities, Lansing, and beyond.