Our nation is spiraling out of control. Debt threatens to cripple our economy. Federal spending has never been higher — nor has our deficit.
And the politicians in Washington won't do anything to save us. In fact, most of them are part of the problem!
A Convention of States is our only hope.
You see, our Founding Fathers were brilliant men. They left an emergency clause in the Constitution in case the federal government got too big and out-of-control.
Article V of the Constitution allows the states to bypass Congress and the President to call a Convention of States to propose amendments to our Constitution that will rein in the federal government.
Well, conservative leaders all across the country — along with over FIVE MILLION grassroots patriots — believe it is time to invoke Article V and call a Convention of States for the express, limited purpose of imposing fiscal restraints and term limits on Congress and limiting the power, scope, and jurisdiction of the federal government.
And I hope you do, too. With the socialists in control in Washington, it's time to take action before it's too late!
It's time for "We the People" to use the most powerful weapon in our arsenal - the Constitution - to fight back against Washington's overreach.
Please sign the National Petition for an Article V Convention of States right now, and please ask everyone you know to do the same.
Here at Convention of States Action, we are working overtime to convince the required 34 state legislatures to call for an Article V convention to place limits on the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.
We have already passed the COS Resolution through the state legislatures in 19 states, including four since the start of this year alone — bringing us over HALFWAY to calling a Convention of States and taking the power back from the "ruling class" in Washington!
This year alone, the Resolution has passed out of committee in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Kansas — paving the way for the next round of states to pass!
With dozens of states currently considering the COS Resolution, NOW is our window of opportunity to double down and secure the needed victories to cross the finish line!
We have a citizen activist army operating in all 50 states, working tirelessly to urge their state legislators to act in accordance with the will of the people and demand that they pass this critically important Resolution.
A Convention of States is our only chance to pass important and long overdue measures like a balanced budget amendment, term limits on Congress and the D.C. Swamp, and limits on the scope and jurisdiction of the federal government.
The politicians in Washington wouldn't dare limit their own power. Therefore, we the people need to do it!
But in order for that to happen, we need millions and millions of patriotic Americans like you to sign this important national petition. We need to show the members of the state legislatures that the American people are ready for a constitutional solution as big as our nation's problems, an Article V Convention of States.
Simply click here to sign and we'll deliver it directly to your state legislators, free of charge. This is our best chance to save America from an out-of-control federal government.
Washington won't fix itself. The federal government is too big, and the politicians are too invested in its growth.
We the people must take control through our state legislatures.
Please join the fight to call a Convention of States. Sign the petition today, and urge every freedom-loving American to do the same.