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Hi John

This week the government made the absurd and bizarre decision to approve the drilling of a gas well on the edge of the Surrey Hills, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Not only will this cause significant damage to the natural landscape, but shows that the government is simply not taking the climate crisis seriously. Now more than ever we need to protect our green spaces, and we need your help.

Last month we published a new report on the countryside next door, calling on the government to invest in our Green Belt, which is critically underfunded.

Our latest research sets out how funding for the restoration of nature and cultural heritage is being distributed and how it can be improved - read on for the details.

In case you missed it, during Volunteers' Week we asked volunteers to share what they love most about volunteering for CPRE. You can watch their responses in our new video.

We’ve also been celebrating the Platinum Jubilee. We're honoured to have Her Majesty the Queen as our Patron, and we’re truly grateful for Her Majesty's support over the past 70 years, as we work towards our vision of a thriving, beautiful countryside for everyone.

And finally, with summer fast approaching why not have a read of our latest countryside walk guide and check out the latest bat watching tips from the Bat Conservation Trust!

Government approves drilling for gas in Surrey countryside


We need to completely rule out – now and forever – the government turning our peaceful countryside into a fossil fuel production facility. We've successfully campaigned on fracking before and we won't stop now - help us today by making a donation.

Levelling up access to the Green Belt


Our Green Belt is the countryside next door for 30 million people. Yet our research shows it's underfunded. That's why we're calling on the government to fully invest in our Green Belt, level up access to nature and boost wellbeing.

Watch our Volunteers' Week video


To celebrate this year's Volunteers’ Week, we asked our amazing volunteers what volunteering for CPRE means to them. Here’s what they said!

Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee


In June 1952 we were honoured to receive the news that the Queen had granted CPRE her royal patronage. Our Chief Executive, Crispin Truman, has shared his thoughts on how much this has meant to us all over the last 70 years.

A countryside walk in June


As we welcome the onset of summer, a profusion of life surrounds us from insects in the flourishing flowers to bats in the night sky. With the day light hours now extended why not have a read of Lewis’ countryside walk and see if you can find something new during an evening stroll this June.

Tips for bat watching after dark


Bat watching is a magical experience. Shirley Thompson Honorary Education Officer at the Bat Conservation Trust has shared a her handy hints on how to spot these wonderful creatures.

Be a part of what we stand for


Becoming a CPRE member is the best way to support a beautiful, thriving countryside for all. Not only will you be doing your part for the one of the UK's most influential environmental charities you’ll also receive some great perks!

We have people all over the UK that can support you with the issues you care about such as climate change, public transport, affordable housing and more.

You can choose from an individual membership or one for the whole family with a household membership.

CPRE funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

Donate now
green curve