"They had to medivac King* to another hospital in a helicopter and hook him up to a ventilator," Carmen Montgomery said. "That's how bad it was."

Just a few months earlier, King's mom was relieved to find affordable housing with a backyard where her kids could play. Little did Ms. Montgomery know that after moving in, she would have to frequently rush her one-year-old son to the ER as he struggled to breathe. Pediatricians at the hospital knew King's asthma was likely caused by something in their home, so they connected Ms. Montgomery to Children's Law Center.

Children's Law Center and Ms. Montgomery immediately took her landlord to court. The judge condemned the house because the landlord failed to resolve so many housing violations, including mold, recurring leaks and mice infestations. These conditions were the root causes of King's severe health issues.

Children's Law Center rushed to find a new home for the Montgomery family before the old house was declared uninhabitable. They now live in a clean, healthy home owned by a landlord who cares about them. Today, Ms. Montgomery and King are excited to celebrate the holiday season...and they are breathing a little easier.

Please join our fight to protect DC's children. Your generosity will help children like King secure the safe housing they need to live healthy lives.
With gratitude,
Judith Sandalow
P.S. You're the kind of person DC children like King can count on. Plus, thanks to a generous challenge donation by The Andrew and Julie Klingenstein Family Fund, your Kite Club gift of $1,500 or more will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to a combined total of $50,000 if you make your gift by December 31st.

*We always provide clients the option to change their name or use initials when sharing their story. Names in this story have not been changed.
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