Stand with J Street this Giving Tuesday. All gifts matched.
J Street

All gifts matched for Giving Tuesday

They want us divided.

That’s the goal of demagogues like Trump and Netanyahu. It’s how they remain in power long after majorities have become disillusioned with their corruption and ashamed of the moral toll they’ve taken on the countries we love.

They demonize outsiders, warning against a mass ‘invasion’ of immigrants and asylum seekers. Then they look for supposed enemies within -- Muslims and Arabs, the traitorous left. Globalists, the deep state, the media.

Today, in the US, we’re witnessing a concerted effort to drive a wedge through the center of the American Jewish community itself. You can see it in the far-right’s efforts to cast supporters of Palestinian rights as enemies of Israel. You you can see it in the GOP’s ploy to paint the Democratic Party -- the party most Jews call home -- as anti-Israel or even anti-Semitic. And you can see it in Trump’s labeling of liberal Jews as disloyal.

Of course, they’re not really expecting a sizable portion of our community to don MAGA hats and start cheerleading for Kushner’s one-state “peace plan.” But they are hoping that they can stir up enough division, sow enough despair and create enough distractions that we won’t be ready or willing to fight the battles ahead.

At J Street, we’re ready to fight. And we know that if our community and those who share our values refuse to be divided, we will win.

With so much at stake, we hope that you’ll stand with us during our Giving Tuesday campaign and help us fight for a better future for ALL Americans, Israelis and Palestinians in the year ahead.

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$500 Other

Our organization has stood up against Trump and Netanyahu’s bigoted rhetoric from day one, and called out their attempts to stoke division in the US and in Israel.

Heading into 2020, we have no doubt that the rhetoric will get uglier and that Trump’s smearing of progressive Jews, Muslims and others will only grow louder as he becomes more threatened by our power to defeat him.

J Street will be here to battle him every step of the way.

As we approach Giving Tuesday, let's show that our community will not be divided. Let's show we're ready for the fights ahead.

Support J Street today and your gift will be doubled.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

$9 $36
$100 $250
$500 Other

Thank you for your support,

Jess Smith
Chief Operating Officer, J Street

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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