News from Representative Allred


Dear Friend,

This week I took action to reduce gun violence, because inaction is not an option. We must do something to protect children’s lives and prevent another tragedy like the massacre in Uvalde. It’s why I voted for two bills that passed the House with bipartisan support, the Protecting Our Kids Act, a package of common-sense gun safety measures, and the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, a “red flag law” to help ensure those who pose a threat to themselves or others do not have access to firearms. 

The Protecting Our Kids Act:
  • Raises the age to purchase a semiautomatic centerfire rifle or shotgun from 18 to 21; 
  • Bans large capacity magazines, and creates a voluntary buyback program;
  • Makes gun trafficking and straw purchases for third parties a federal crime; 
  • Requires dealers to provide a secure gun storage or safety device with the sale of a shotgun or rifle
  • Establishes requirements to regulate the storage of firearms on residential premises, 
  • Codifies into law the bans of bump stocks for civilian use
  • Builds on the regulatory ban of ghost guns by ensuring that ghost guns are subject to existing federal firearm regulation.
Click to watch Rep. Allred speak on the House floor, read a letter from a six-year-old North Texan and urge swift passage of this legislation.

The Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act Law allows enforcement officers, family and household members to file a petition requesting that a federal court issue a protection order prohibiting an individual from purchasing or possessing firearms. This red flag law will save lives by keeping guns out of the hands of a dangerous individual. 

I’m proud to vote for these common-sense measures that will save lives all while maintaining the rights of individuals. The high-capacity assault weapons used in the Buffalo and Uvalde massacres were purchased legally by eighteen year olds. This bill could have prevented these teenagers from purchasing the weapons they used to murder 31 of our fellow Americans.

And the House has already passed the Bipartisan Background Checks Act, which requires a background check for every gun sale and is supported by nearly 90% of Americans. 

For my two boys, and for every parent and child out there, I urge the Senate to act on these common-sense measures to save lives.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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