From Seth Hoffmeister - Wisconsin Conservation Voters <>
Subject Three reasons your membership matters
Date June 10, 2022 4:01 PM
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We need just 100 conservation voters like you to chip in a gift today to help ramp up our efforts to elect climate and democracy leaders in November: [[link removed]]

Dear John,

You know as well as I do what’s at stake for Wisconsin’s environment and democracy in November.

That’s why our team is already hard at work getting ready to run our largest-ever campaign across the state to ensure we can continue to make progress toward a clean energy future and a democracy where everyone has an equal voice – but we can’t do it without you.

We need just 100 conservation voters like you to help us ramp up our campaign to elect conservation leaders in November. Can we count on your urgent gift today? [[link removed]]

Here are the top three reasons your support right now matters:

1. Governor Evers’ Veto Power
Governor Evers’ veto was our most important tool against the spate of anti-democracy, anti-conservation bills Robin Vos and legislative leadership churned out this legislative session. Your support will help to reelect Governor Evers and ensure we have this vital check for the sake of our democracy and environment.

2. Unprecedented Dark Money
In the week leading up to the April Elections, our pro-democracy and pro-conservation candidates were hit with unprecedented attacks from dark money groups sowing doubt about the 2020 elections and backing candidates who want to restrict access to the polls. We know it’s coming again this fall. Your support helps us start fighting back against these powerful special interests TODAY.

3. Climate Progress
Your investment makes sure our priority issues – a democracy works for everyone, a just and equitable transition to clean energy, and clean drinking water for all Wisconsinites – are at the top of every candidate’s platform and the front of every voter’s mind.

Our ability to keep pro-conservation leaders in statewide office could make or break the momentum we’ve built on climate action.

Will you be one of 100 conservation voters to be an early investor in our work to elect climate and democracy leaders up and down the ballot this November? [[link removed]]

Thanks for all you do for Wisconsin!

Seth Hoffmeister
Deputy Director

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Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States
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