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Friend --
Pools are open, splash parks are splashing, and we've had an
incredible run of weather and temperatures to make getting out into
the neighborhood easy. Hopefully you've been able to enjoy. Lots of
updates in this newsletter below for your summer planning, as well as
the latest news from the Council.
Shortcuts: Budget Done | Redistricting Done | Public Safety | New Crime Lab
Bill | Early Voting | Mobile Phone Voting | Pools and
Splash Parks | The Wharf Job Fair | Tuition Assistance | No NFL
Stadium | Clean Energy | Metro
Closures | DCRA Contracting System | SW Clean-Up | Office
Council Work Complete on FY23 Budget
As of Tuesday, we've completed our work on the next
fiscal year's budget. I want to thank the many Ward 6 neighbors,
businesses, and organizations who worked with me and my team to help
ensure we have a fantastic budget that benefits every corner of the
ward (photo to the right from a walkthrough with neighbors at
Kingsman Park earlier this spring, where we ended up funding some
upgrades in the budget). In case you missed the previous updates,
here's a link to updates in the budget on Ward
6 specifically, public
safety budgets, and a few
citywide items. Two quick items I'd like to share that were late
additions to the final budget:
Helping Teachers and Educators Live in DC: During
our final deliberations on the budget, I was proud to work with my
colleagues - particularly Councilmembers Bonds and Henderson - to
expand a home purchase assistance program specifically for teachers
and educators in next year's budget. I've helped grow a similar
program for first responders like our fire fighters, EMTs, and police
to help choose and afford to live in the District, and it can make a
difference for our educators as well. The help we're providing will be
eligible for DCPS, DC Charter, and UDC educators to purchase a home in
DC. This is a small step among many others needed to improve teacher
retention in our school system by ensuring more teachers can afford to
call DC home and live closer to where they work.
Creating a Tax Incentive to Bring a Full-Service Grocery
Store South of M St., SW: I also was able to include in the
budget an expansion of the District's Supermarket Tax Incentive to
help bring a full-service grocery store to Buzzard Point and the
neighborhoods south of M St., SW. While development on Buzzard Point
is underway, the neighbors living in James Creek and Syphax Gardens
and the surrounding neighborhoods just north are more than a half mile
from the nearest grocery store and deserve better access to healthy
foods. The purpose of the Supermarket Tax Incentive is to attract
grocery stores to parts of the city where retail grocers haven't
located and access to fresh, healthy food is difficult for anyone who
isn't easily mobile. This
map shows the existing zones where the tax incentive applies, but
doesn't yet reflect the change we just made on Tuesday.
Redistricting is Finally Complete!
Also on Tuesday, the Council completed its work
on the ANC
and Single Member District (SMD) boundaries for every ward (note
there were changes to the Ward 7 ANC boundaries not reflected here),
thus wrapping up the federally-mandated redistricting process
following the US Census. I want to begin by once again thanking the
members of the Ward
6 Redistricting Task Force -- all volunteers and all your
neighbors in Ward 6 -- who spent hours sorting through the challenges
and priorities of our community in setting our new boundaries. I think
they did a wonderful job, and there was no controversy on the Ward 6
map for the final vote, which I think speaks to their inclusive and
thoughtful approach.
On the broader changes made by the Council, I want to note that I'm
grateful the final map creates an SMD just for the residents in and
adjacent to the DC Jail. For too long, those voices haven't been
represented in our hyper-local system of government, and it hurts both
our residents inside and outside of the Jail. The final map ensures an
elected ANC representative from the DC Jail can serve, strengthen
connections with the community, and lift up incarcerated residents'
concerns and priorities.
ICYMI: Here's
the new Ward 6 map, which doesn't include the ANC and SMD
boundaries (that map is linked in the paragraph above and the image to
the right).
Public Safety Update
I continue to work closely with neighbors on public safety issues
in several parts of the ward where cycles of violence need to be
broken through a combination of public health-based intervention and
policing. As I've written before, we need to see much improved
coordination and strategy between the many different efforts we are
funding to reduce violence. Just this week, the Council's DC Auditor
completed an analysis of the implementation of the District's violence
prevention and interruption legislation, the "NEAR
Act", which became law way back in 2016. I've been careful to grow
violence interruption programs in a sustainable way, understanding
both their importance and the relationship-driven nature of their
work. The audit is a helpful analysis and offers critiques and shines
a light on where we need to see the Executive Branch commit further to
implementing the NEAR Act and related-violence reduction initiatives
that have all been passed and funded by the Council. More
in WTOP.
I'd also recommend this Washington
Post story digging into the challenges of bringing charges after
gun seizures. I want to be clear - getting guns off of the street
is critical work, but we badly need federal legislation making it
harder to go into nearby states and buy guns to bring back into the
District. While I've written laws at the Council to go after so-called
"ghost guns" and extended clip magazines and that do so much harm and
are too commonly seen in gun violence in the region, we know the vast
majority of guns recovered and tracked by the ATF are from
As I mentioned in the last newsletter, DC's Criminal Justice
Coordinating Council released a very specific, goal-oriented plan to
reduce gun violence that needs to be adopted. You
can read what I shared here. The reason I'm including it here is
because that plan takes a different approach to responding to
shootings and focusing our policing efforts to holding violent
offenders accountable, prioritizing the core group of people most
likely to be involved in gun violence. I think when you see the
challenges our officers and prosecutors face in bringing charges
simply for gun possession, it's clear we need to embrace a more
evidence-based and targeted response.
Bill to Overhaul Forensics Lab Introduced: Last
week, I introduced a bill to overhaul the District's Department of
Forensic Sciences, which used to process evidence for criminal
prosecutions, including ballistics, firearms, DNA, fingerprints, and
digital evidence. I say "used to" because DFS lost its accreditation
in June 2021 and hasn't been able to serve this critical role since
then. This legislation includes many recommendations made by an
independent analysis of DFS from top to bottom, several public
hearings, and testimony from the US Attorney's Office, the Office of
the Attorney General, the Public Defender Service, and the Innocence
Project. You can read more about the issue and the legislation on
9, and the Washington
The role of DFS in the administration of justice is incredibly
important, and the loss of accreditation is having major impacts on
the entire system. In the short-term, it has forced the prosecution
and law enforcement to identify other labs, which have at times meant
shipping evidence to other states' labs or to a federal partner. It
has implications for cases that have been closed, including potential
wrongful prosecutions and convictions. And it has due process concerns
for ensuring the timely administration justice.
My legislation takes the long view and tries to fix the management
and structural issues that allowed serious lapses in the work of DFS
in the first place. We need an independent, trusted, and transparent
forensics lab that can neutrally analyze evidence in service to
justice for everyone involved.
Ward 6 Public Safety Updates:
Made in Assault with a Deadly Weapon in SW Arrest
in Unauthorized Use of Vehicle on Kentucky Ave, SE Suspect
Sought in Burglary at 1300 Block 2nd St., NE
Early Voting Begins, Mail-In Ballots Underway
Around 20,000 residents have filled out and returned a
mail-in ballot so far. And starting tomorrow, June 10, Early Vote
Centers across the city will open. If you're an eligible voter, you
can go to any Early Vote Center to cast your ballot during operating
hours. Or you can still fill out your mail-in ballot and either return
it by mail or via a dropbox. If you're old school, you can wait until
the last day of the election on Tuesday, June 21, to cast your ballot
at additional polling sites around the city.
A Note on "Mobile Phone Voting:" In the past few
weeks, there's been a concerted
effort targeting me by a tech billionaire to push for mobile
voting to come to the District. Yes, that's a strange sentence to
write. So, quickly, I'd just like to run through my thinking on the
related legislation that's pending at the Council. Over and over, I've
heard from cybersecurity professionals that the technology and
security required to assure the integrity of mobile (i.e. on your
phone) elections is simply not ready or close to being ready. In other
words, there's a big difference between something sounding like a good
idea, and actually being a good idea. As someone who has led the
effort to bring Automatic
Voter Registration, Fair
Elections, permanent
Mail-In Voting, putting
polling locations inside the DC Jail, expanding
voting to DC residents serving in federal prison, and more, I care
deeply about making it easier to vote and greatly believe in the many
benefits of civic engagement. But I also take seriously my
responsibility as chair of the committee with oversight of our
elections to ensure they're safe and secure. So, despite the deep
pockets and targeted campaign involved, it's clear from those that
work in cybersecurity that the technology for this type of voting is
not mature enough or ready to move forward. That said, there are a
number of respected individuals and organizations - with a long
history of partnering with me on expanding voting rights and
protections - that would ultimately like to see mobile voting in the
future. I don't disagree that one day, we will likely have a safe and
secure way to vote on our phones. And I look forward to working with
them to further study and explore the idea and how the technology may
grow in the coming years.
DPR Outdoor Pool Hours, Splash Park Locations
As we near the end of the school year, I know folks
might have questions about when pools are open or not. Good news: DPR
has all the information you need right here (tl;dr pools open on
weekends only until Monday, June 27, when they're open daily). And if
Splash Parks are more your speed, they're
open daily right now. Get out there and cool off!
Related: Late Night Hype (Friday evening bounce
houses, music, fun at rec centers) returns, and DPR is launching Late
Night Drip to open a different pool on Friday evenings. Learn
more from WTOP here.
From The Wharf to the Yards Job Fair - June 28 at Arena Stage
Save the date neighbors. After a two year break, we're bringing
back our job fair and hoping to get as many Ward 6 residents connected
to jobs as The Wharf Phase II opens and more and more businesses are
looking to hire along the waterfront. The Job Fair, organized by my
office along with the great team from At-Large Councilmember Elissa
Silverman's team (who chairs the Committee on Labor) and Ward 8
Councilmember Trayon White's office, will take place Tuesday, June 28
from 10 am to 1 pm at Arena Stage. You
can register to attend here. Please share this far and wide with
neighbors or organizations connected to folks who could use a
Tuition Assistance Available for DC Residents to Attend
Passing on an opportunity for residents who are attending, or would
like to attend, one of three local universities (Catholic, Trinity,
UDC) in pursuit of their first bachelor's or associate degree. There
is funding available (up to $8,000 annually) to help with tuition or
fees associated with college. Learn more if this might be you: https://osse.dc.gov/node/1574551
Majority of Council Support DC Controlling RFK, Oppose an NFL
I led an effort this week to send a
clear message that a majority of the DC Council supports a transfer of
the 192-acre RFK campus (an empty stadium and a bunch of empty
parking) from federal control to local control, but there's no support
for returning an NFL stadium to the site. It's
time to move on from this debate and finally, finally put that
land to use, building more city and neighborhoods we can all enjoy
after it's sat vacant for a generation. Taxpayer support for NFL
stadiums, no matter who the owners are, is a bad deal and doesn't
provide a significant economic boost. For too long, the process has
been stymied in a debate about a stadium for the Washington Commanders
and their billionaire owner, who has tried to play DC, Virginia, and
Maryland against each other to get the most taxpayer support to pay
for his new stadium.
For years now, we've maintained a mailing list through "Hail No
RFK". If you'd like to sign the petition and be included on any
updates, visit HailNoRFK.com.
And you can read
the letter here.
If You Care About Clean, Local Energy, the PSC Needs to Be On Your
I know there are a lot of Ward 6 residents who a) care deeply about
taking local action to reduce the use of fossil fuels as we battle
climate change, b) have a career working to reduce fossil fuel use, or
c) both. So let me point you to this great piece from WAMU, "D.C.’s
climate change response is in the hands of an obscure, unelected
commission" or the accompanying radio
hit via podcast. Both pieces focus on the role of the Public
Service Commission, or PSC, a small, three-person body that has
rulemaking authority over the District's utility companies, including
Pepco and Washington Gas. The PSC has enormous power when it comes to
forcing utilities to comply with laws, including DC's expanding solar
programs that could make energy generation a significant localized
industry, rather than continuing to send money to buy fossil fuels
outside of the District. It also greenlights new infrastructure
projects for both, which are ultimately paid for by residents. And to
me, the simple question is this: if we're trying to phase out the use
of fossil fuels in the next decade or so, why are we considering
paying for infrastructure projects that will keep us reliant on fossil
fuels for the next 30-50 years? I'm focused on ensuring that the PSC
is keeping District residents' interests front and center,
understanding we must make these transitions in order to meet goals
set by law and to do our part to mitigate the most serious impacts of
climate change.
Orange Line Metro Closures Underway
While it doesn't affect any stations in Ward 6, I certainly
want to be sure residents are aware that WMATA is undergoing major
station upgrades with temporary closures through Monday, September 5,
for the New Carrollton, Landover, Cheverly, Deanwood and Minnesota Ave
stations. Metro will provide free shuttle bus service along three
routes and offer free parking for Metro customers at the closed
stations. More
from NBC.
Constituent Services Tip: DCRA System for Verifying
Here's a tip to have handy from DCRA: For property owners,
you can verify the licensure of a business using Scout, DCRA’s online consolidated database, and
also identify a highly-rated contractor by using the Contractor Rating System, which arms residents and
businesses with information so that you can hire contractors with a
proven track record of proper licensing, construction, and
Join the Next Southwest Clean-Up on June 18
Just a quick plug that my team and officers from MPD's First
District will be holding a community clean-up on Saturday, June 18 at
10 am. We'll be meeting at Greenleaf Rec Center (201 N St., SW) and
working on the 1300 block of Canal St., SW and the 1400 block of First
Street, SW. If you want to get a little more engaged in your
community, this is an easy way to do so in just an hour or two. Hope
you can make it!
Office Hours Return to NoMa
Next Thursday evening, I'm headed to NoMa's
Wunder Garten for office hours. I'd love to have you join me and
say hello. I'll be there with my team from 5-6:30 pm. You can RSVP
here. I hold these events often at local businesses to bring some
extra support their way. But please don't feel like you have to make a
purchase in order to speak with me or my team! Hope you can come
See you around the neighborhood,
Charles Allen