Two opinion pieces in the gay news outlet The Advocate demonstrate the contradictory, oxymoronic viewpoints presented by LGBT activists.
The first op-ed, “This Pride, the LGBTQ+ Community Is in Crisis,” was written by Joni Madison at the opening of “pride month,” when seemingly all of America is wrapped in the ever-expanding colors of the homosexual and transgender movement.
But no, not for Madison, the interim president of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest LGBT activist organization in the U.S., with total 2021 revenue of $71 million.
For her, LGBT-folks are a perpetually victimized class. She writes about “millions of LGBTQ+ people whose rights and lives – right now – are under attack.”
She cites legislation that shields children and teens from being irrevocably damaged by drugs, hormones and surgeries – what she calls “medically necessary care” – and says, “These attacks are horrific.”
Efforts to protect privacy and safety in showers, restrooms and locker rooms mean, for Madison, “Our LGBTQ+ community is in crisis. We are living in a state of emergency.”
She references laws that protect parental rights and keep children from being sexualized and confused in schools. |