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Stop Brexit. Build a brighter future.

John this is the most important election of our lifetime.

The Lib Dems have been fighting to Stop Brexit since day one. It’s becoming clearer by the day that Brexit will make us poorer, more isolated and less safe as a country. It will put strain on the hard-won peace in Northern Ireland, and will push the NHS to breaking point.

Boris Johnson is championing Brexit, knowing it will make our country worse off. He is happy to sell your future down the river just so he can chase his Brexit fantasy.

Britain deserves better. Our people, our communities and our planet need better.

In this election, you can use your vote to stop this Brexit chaos and demand better for our public services. The Liberal Democrats are the biggest, strongest Remain party - and the only party which can take seats off the Conservatives and deny them a majority.

By voting Liberal Democrat you can Stop Boris, Stop Brexit and build a brighter future.

John will you be a Liberal Democrat voter on the 12th of December?

Yes, I will ➜
  Christine Jardine  

Best wishes,

Christine Jardine
Liberal Democrats

PS: The next few weeks will see us send quite a few emails about our country's future. You can choose the kind of emails you get from us over the next five weeks here: libdems.org.uk/ge-optout

Help us build a brighter future.

The two old parties have failed Britain.
The Liberal Democrats are fighting to stop Brexit and build a brighter future for Britain.

Play your part. Find out how you can help us win: