Hello, John! Here is your monthly update from Prevention First about programs, training, resources and prevention news from trusted sources.
Medical science has proven time and again that when the resources are provided, great progress in the treatment, cure and prevention of disease can occur.

― Michael J. Fox
Prevention First Annual Report

The Prevention First Annual Report for FY19 is now available on prevention.org.

Click the cover to see the report.
December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. We have provided links to resources to help guide you in addressing impaired driving in your community.

Assessing your community is a critical step in identifying potential issues contributing to underage alcohol use. Completing a comprehensive assessment involves utilizing many tools and methods. Environmental scanning allows you to observe what alcohol looks like in your community and how alcohol is advertised in your community. These observations take place at both on-premise and off-premise establishments that sell alcohol. The goal of environmental scanning is to identify your community’s risk factors that can contribute to underage or excessive alcohol consumption. 

Conducting a scan allows you to observe and document the 4 P’s:

  • Price
  • Product
  • Promotion
  • Place 

Documenting these observations and pairing that information with other assessment data, such as youth survey data, allows you to create a clear picture of alcohol in your community. From that picture you then can identify strategies to reduce underage and excessive use of alcohol.

For more information on how to conduct a scan check out the Alcohol Environmental Scanning micro-learning video featured on our web page.
Communication Campaign Professional Development Resource Guide

This Communication Campaign Professional Development Resource Guide will provide you with general information, guidance, and websites that can be used as resources as you plan and implement communication campaigns.

If you have already been to Prevention First’s Planning and Implementing Communication Campaigns training, this resource guide will provide you with key points that when adhered to closely can increase the likelihood of a successful communication campaign. 

Click the cover to be taken to the guide.
Naloxone NOW campaign media kits are ready for you

Media kits for the Naloxone NOW awareness campaign are live on our site. There are two kits available containing materials for in-office print, social media channels, and web ads.

Click the image to be directed to the SUPP Professional Resources page. The download links are under the Opioid and Prescription Drug Public Awareness Campaigns tab.
Differences Between Non-Combusted Cigarettes, E-Cigs,...

You may have heard about non-combusted cigarettes, heated tobacco products, or heat-not-burn products. These products generally heat dry tobacco to create an aerosol that the user inhales. A cigarette consists primarily of tobacco leaves wrapped...

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Opioid Crisis Fast Facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts about the opioid crisis to learn more about addiction to painkillers.

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Event registration opens for 10th anniversary

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) announced that event registration begins today for the 10th annual National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW), to be held March 30...

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Prevention First
Upcoming Training

Understanding the Illinois
Cannabis Regulation and
Tax Act and What it
Means for Prevention

Establishing and Leading a
Youth Advisory Committee

A Framework for Prevention

Youth Advisory Committee
Engagement and Retention

Coalition Coordination

Foundations of Youth
Prevention Education

If you have any questions about training please contact Anne Cox,
SAP TTA Manager at [email protected]

If you've registered and cannot attend Click Here for directions on cancelling your registration.
Technical Assistance from Prevention First

The technical assistance offered at Prevention First expands professional development beyond training to assist substance use prevention providers in applying what they have learned in their communities. Timely, flexible and provider-tailored technical assistance is available to meet the individual needs of providers. For more information about technical assistance or other services we offer, click email Provider Services.
Understanding the
Illinois Cannabis
Regulation and Tax
Act and What it Means
for Prevention

Marijuana will be legal for adults in Illinois on January 1, 2020. You might be wondering what’s in the law and what it means for your prevention efforts. During this webinar, participants will learn about the Illinois marijuana law, including benefits and concerns related to legalization. We’ll also discuss relevant prevention education messages and strategies.

Revised YPE Resource
The Youth Prevention Education & Classroom Management Resource Guide has been revised and is currently available on the Prevention First website.

Click the image to download.
Webinars at
Prevention First

Perhaps you were busy during the live webinar...or didn't know when it was scheduled. We've got ya covered!

Check out the Recorded Webinar tab in the SUPP Training Events. In each description is a link to the recording. Simply complete the registration and submit. The recording will begin and you are ready to go! NOTE: No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.

CADCA National Leadership Forum

Agents of Change Summit
Have You Seen Our
Training Catalog?

Check out our new Training Catalog to learn about our resources and services, meet our TTA Specialists, read our training descriptions and policies, and view our FY20 Training Calendar! The catalog is available on our SUPP Training Page and print copies will also be available at training events. 

Click the pic to go to the catalog for downloading or view.
Illinois Cannabis Resources
Be sure to check out our Professional Resources for SUPP Providers page for new and revised resources pertaining to Illinois Cannabis legalization coming on Jan. 1. Follow the links below to download the resources.

Be sure to check out the
Virtual Clearinghouse
There are loads of great resources in the Virtual Clearinghouse on the Prevention First website.

Resources include printed materials, digital materials, presentations, and helpful links. New materials are added periodically so be sure to visit often.