LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
Labor Night at the Nats: Fri, June 10, 7:05pm – 11:00pm $17.00 per ticket/ CSA will receive $2.00 per ticket sold.
Click here to purchase tickets: Josh Grohs, Account Executive, Group Sales (o) 202-640-7714 or [email protected] Metro Washington Council Day of Action: Sat, June 11, 10am – 2pm
1810 Hamlin St NE, Washington, DC 20018 (map)
The Metropolitan Washington Council will be volunteering with MWC AFL-CIO endorsed campaigns for a Day of Action in D.C. To participate, please CLICK HERE. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dejah Desiree: [email protected]
Jazz Lewis Day of Action in MD District 24: Sat, June 11, 11am – 2pm
5200 Silver Hill Rd, District Heights, MD 20747 (map)
We will be meeting at Suitland High School at 11 am to knock on doors & share our message of progress! Snacks & refreshments will be provided & our staff will prepare volunteers with canvassing guidelines. The day will wrap up at 2 pm! Maya Fontheim [email protected] NoVA Labor Night at Leesburg Soccer Game: Sat, June 11, 4pm – 10pm
4 pm Tailgate, 7 pm game
Thanks to our sponsors -- IBEW Local 26, Carpenters Local 197,Baltimore/DC Building Trades, Amalgamated Transit Union 689, Virginia AFL-CIO,UA, SMART Local 100, LiUNA 572, SEIU 32bj, Insulators — union families and friends of labor can attend the game for free! Kids get to go on the field with the players!! Great photo op for your kids! Speakers include Rep. Jennifer Wexton and local elected officials. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Labor Canvass for Don Beyer: Sun, June 12, 1pm – 3pm
2201 Whiteoaks Dr, Alexandria, VA 22306 (map) Labor to Labor Phone Bank (District of Columbia City Elections) Thu, June 16, 5pm – 8pm
Sign Up Here.
Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls: Sat, June 18, 9am – 3pm
Pennsylvania Avenue NW & 3rd St SW, Washington, DC 20001, USA (map)
Details & RSVP here.
CLICK HERE to hear yesterday's Your Rights At Work radio show (WPFW 89.3FM): Washington Teachers Union president Jacqueline Pogue Lyons on Saturday’s March for Our Lives against gun violence. “Our union has taken on this issue for years,” says the American Federation of Teacher, “fighting to keep our schools, streets and communities safe from the public health crisis that is gun violence in America.”
Upcoming COPE Labor to Labor activities
Labor to Labor Phone Bank (District of Columbia City Elections) Thu, June 16, 5pm – 8pm; SIGN UP HERE
Effort to reach out to union members and households in the District of Columbia. We will be reminding them to vote and encouraging them to vote for labor endorsed candidates in the June 21 DC primary.
Metro Washington Council Day of Action Sat, June 11, 10am – 2pm; SIGN UP HERE 1810 Hamlin St NE, Washington, DC 20018
The Metropolitan Washington Council will be volunteering with MWC AFL-CIO endorsed campaigns. If others in your local would like to join in the Day of Action, please have them fill out this form as well.
PLUS: Virtual phone banking: Sign up here.
Volunteering at early voting centers June 10 - 19. Sign up here. Questions? Email [email protected].
Jazz Lewis Day of Action in MD District 24 Saturday, June 11, 11a, 5200 Silver Hill Rd, District Heights, MD 20747
Maryland State and District of Columbia AFL-CIO June 11th Labor Walks
JUNE 11TH CANVASSING SIGN-UP FORM PHONE BANK SIGN-UP FORM NoVa Labor Labor Canvass for Don Beyer Sun, June 12, 1pm – 3pm; 2201 Whiteoaks Dr, Alexandria, VA 22306 |
Northeast Shoot for a Cure supports moms’ and babies’ health
Tuesday night’s rain didn’t deter the 115 participants – the biggest turnout ever -- in the 16th Annual Northeast Shoot for a Cure on Wednesday, hosted again by UFCW Locals 400 and 27 at Point At Pintail in Queenstown, MD. "We are proud to be long time supporters of Shoot for A Cure,” Local 400 president Mark Federici (second from right in photo) told Union City. “This year, we were especially proud to lend our support to raise money for March of Dimes, which helps support the health of all moms and babies. These kinds of events are what the labor movement is all about, bringing people together to make things better for everyone. It is a fabulous event every year and our union family is honored to participate." Since 2003, Shoot For A Cure (SFAC) has raised over $6,945,000 for LLS, MS, the KofC Wheelchair Mission, Labor Scholarships and various other charitable causes. This year, the 20th anniversary of the event, SFAC is raising money primarily for March of Dimes, with a program goal of raising $1,000,000 net for charity. More than a dozen area locals participated; click here for team and event photos.
- story/photo by Chris Garlock |
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| More than 4,000 federal, D.C. government employees joined AFGE in May
AFGE welcomed 4,085 federal and Washington, D.C., government employees to the union family in May, with a net gain of 436 members—the largest monthly net gain in more than three years. Each month, AFGE organizes thousands of new members, but thousands also retire, leave federal service, exit bargaining unit positions or otherwise resign their membership. The union credited its locals as the key to success, with the biggest gains coming from new employee orientations. “People are joining to empower themselves,” explained AFGE Director of Membership and Organization Dave Cann. Read more here.
Today’s Labor Quote: Dave Cann
“We are building our union with members who want to be active, who want a say, who want to have ownership of their workplace.”
Cann is AFGE’s Director of Membership and Organization. |
This week’s Labor History Today podcast: Detroit Remains: Using historical archeology to connect the past to the present; Last week's show: The Memorial Day Massacre.
June 10 President Kennedy signs a law mandating equal pay to women who are performing the same jobs as men (Equal Pay Act) – 1963 June 11
Representatives from the AFL, Knights of Labor, populists, railroad brotherhoods and other trade unions hold a unity conference in St. Louis but fail to overcome their differences - 1894
June 12
Major League Baseball strike begins, forces cancellation of 713 games. Most observers blamed team owners for the strike: they were trying to recover from a court decision favoring the players on free agency - 1981
- David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.