Transportation Secretary should focus on gas prices, not ‘equity agenda’
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We hope you’ve been watching Tucker Carlson Tonight to stay up to speed on the latest in news, politics, and current events.
In case you missed it, there was a great segment the other night—check out the clip below!
Pete Buttigieg should resign
From Tucker’s monologue:
“So what is the Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg doing about [skyrocketing gas prices and our collapsing air travel system]? Working feverishly to fix it? No. Working feverishly on the ‘equity agenda’, their only concern. Their vax mandate sent the airlines into turmoil without saving a single life, now the administration is demanding that airlines hire fewer white pilots and fewer white air traffic controllers, because that was the real problem, because skin color is somehow related to aeronautical skill. And airlines are doing it. United has announced that 50% of its company’s pilots will be ‘women or people of color’ over the next decade. Why should you care what the color of your pilot is? What does it have to do with anything? No one
explains, but the New York Times is thrilled by it.”
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