Also Inside: New Blog on Weathering Political Transitions in Research
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Graduating the Ultra Poor in Ghana


Unpacking the Graduation Approach in Ghana

Researchers: Abhijit Banerjee, Dean Karlan, Robert Osei, Christopher Udry, Hannah Trachtman

A six-country study found that the Graduation Approach—a multi-faceted program that provides families with a grant of productive assets, training, coaching, and savings—was effective at building sustainable income for those in extreme poverty. In Ghana, IPA also worked with researchers to understand what makes the program tick: whether only a grant of productive assets or only a savings account and a deposit collection service would generate similar impacts. Neither did, suggesting that for the poorest households, the individual components alone are not capable of creating the meaningful and sustainable impacts that the package of services provided.

Read the summary here and the working paper here, and learn about on-going research that is digging deeper into these questions.

Learn more about Nobel Laureate Abhijit Banerjee's work with IPA.


Weathering the Storm: Navigating Political Transitions During a Research Project

By John Branch and Marina Gonzalez
Partnering with governments on research projects is a great way to ensure buy-in to rigorous research from policymakers . But it comes with a unique challenge: those policymakers can change in the middle of a study due to a political transition or staff turnover. When that happens, what does that mean for the research? Months of organizational planning typically go into a research project, and the prospect of blowing it up and doing something new can be daunting. In this blog post, we discuss IPA Mexico’s experience working through a political transition and what it’s taught us about how to effectively partner with policymakers more generally, and outline a few strategies that may be applicable to other contexts as well.
Read the full blog post here.


IPA's 2019 Great Holiday Travel Podcast Playlist
By Jeffrey Mosenkis

The People Behind the Data
By Fatu Conteh, Jean Leodomir Habarimana Mfura


The Economist
The Economist
L'Economiste du Faso
Jene Afrique
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IPA Webcast: Impacts of The Educate! Experience, a Skills-Based Education Program for Secondary School Students in Uganda — Register

December 13 | Webinar, United States

IPA to Host Workshop on Promising Approaches to Address Child Stunting
December 11 | Washington DC, United States

IPA Peru to Co-Host Academic and Policy Conference on Public Applications of Behavioral Science
December 5 | Lima, Peru


Education Evidence for Action (EE4A) Conference 2019

November 27-29 | Machakos, Kenya

Book Launch: Good Economics For Hard Times by Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo
November 25 | New York City, United States

IPA Presents Evidence on Financial Education and Consumer Protection at CEMLA's XI Conference
November 20-21 | Mexico City, Mexico

IPA Co-Hosts Training on the Evaluation of Youth Employment Programs in the Sahel
November 18-22 | Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

IPA Presents Study Results at ILAB "Impact to Action" Event
November 13-14 | Washington DC, United States

2019 Development Research Institute Annual Conference
November 7 | New York City, United States

IPA Presents at Family Planning Results Dissemination Event
November 7 | Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

IPA and MSEA Co-Host Policy Dialogue on SME Development in Kenya
October 29 | Nairobi, Kenya

IPA Presents at 2019 African Microfinance Week
October 21 & 23 | Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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