TONIGHT: Get (eco)social at Georgia Beer Garden
Socialist solutions to address the cataclysmic impact of rising global temperatures are best discussed over a pint, so don't miss our Eco-Socialist Social!
Join us TONIGHT (12/2) from 7-9pm at the Georgia Beer Garden (420 Edgewood Ave SE).
Who wants a DSA for Bernie t-shirt?!
Our chapter is considering buying DSA for Bernie t-shirts in bulk, but we want to gauge interest first. Please fill out this form if you'd donate $20 for a shirt.
December General Meeting + Holiday Party
Saturday, December 14 ~ 4-6pm
Our December general meeting (AND 2019 HOLIDAY PARTY!) will take place at a different location than usual — the American Friends Service Committee office, located in downtown Atlanta at 52 Fairlie St NW.
This event will double as our year-end holiday celebration. Please bring a snack, dish, and/or drink to contribute to our party potluck!
We recommend taking public transit or carpooling if possible as parking downtown can get crowded. The venue is on the 5th floor, but there is an elevator with an accessible entrance.
IBT Presidential Forum Watch Party this Saturday!
Attention all Teamsters for Bernie! Don't miss the Teamsters 2020 Presidential Forum watch party on Saturday, December 7 at Manuel's Tavern (602 N Highland Ave NE).
The party will kick-off at 2pm and the livestream starts at 3pm. Bernie, Biden, Buttigieg, Harris, and Klobuchar are confirmed to participate.
That's all for this week!
In Solidarity,
Metro Atlanta DSA