John —

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson — who’s up for re-election this year — is growing more and more unpopular by the day.

Don’t believe us? A recent poll found that Ron Johnson is the second most unpopular Senator in America, only trailing behind Mitch McConnell.

From defending the January 6th Capitol rioters who put countless lives in danger, to fighting on the frontlines to overturn Roe v. Wade and strip millions of their fundamental rights, Ron is doubling down on his far-right extremism, and there’s no turning back.

Luckily, he’s up for re-election this November, and we have a chance to send him packing and elect a Democrat in his place. Please chip in now to support our work >>

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Ron Johnson’s campaign is backed by the NRA and special interest groups who are spending millions to save his seat.

This is going to be a tough fight. But we’ve won difficult fights in the past, and we can do it again — by working together.

Send in a contribution to power our efforts to defeat deeply unpopular Senators like Ron Johnson and expand our Senate majority:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for all you do.

— Defend the Senate