
Rising prices have been impacting families here for many months, but Biden’s actions (and lack thereof) are ensuring they aren’t going anywhere soon.

Jaime’s working to help Republicans retake the House and put a stop to the outrageous spending and policies that are making things worse. In the meantime, we wanted to hear what price increase is most impacting you.

With prices on average rising 8.3%, these increases are impacting nearly everything folks need to buy. We’ve seen gas prices hit their highest on record. Food prices have risen 9.4%. One recent estimate says families face a $5,200 inflation tax increase this year alone!
Rampant spending has become a major issue for America. After spending trillions of dollars recklessly after he took office, Biden is presiding over some of the highest prices we have ever seen. Instead of learning from his mistakes, Biden is now calling for even more spending.

You deserve better, which is why Jaime is working tirelessly on solutions to lower prices. However, with so many sectors affected by price hikes, she needs to know which ones are impacting you most. Can you take just two minutes to share your response with her today?
For Southwest Washington and America, 
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Jaime for Congress
PO Box 1614
Ridgefield, WA 98642
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