In the next two weeks, we have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to rein in Big Tech and mend our democracy. Congress is planning to vote on a major antitrust package by the end of the month, but if we want to beat out industry attacks, we have to add pressure NOW. Click HERE to fight with us. It only takes a few seconds to send a letter to your reps.
Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google are the new robber barons. They built their monopoly power by profiteering off our digital lives and exploiting loose regulations. This system doesn’t work for the people—there’s no way it could. Monopolies undermine human rights, distort democracy, and stifle innovation, just because they can.1
Now, Congress is poised to give some power back to the people. The Open Apps Market Act (OAMA) would end Google and Apple’s chokehold on apps and developers, giving people more control over their own devices.2 The American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICOA) would stop Big Tech from preferring or promoting its own products, something that only serves to solidify their market power.3
These bills are nearing touchdown, so Big Tech is pulling out all the stops. Anti-union Amazon is desperately ramping up its spin machine.4 Facebook is flailing.5 All together, Big Tech has spent over $36,000,000 to squash these bills.6
Big Tech may have the money, but we’re on the right side of history, and we can win. But we’ve got an incredibly narrow window to push these bills over the finish line. Send Congress a message to stick up for us over Big Tech!
Evan at ❤️Fight
FFTF blog post:
Bill text:
Bill text:
Washington Post:
Wall Street Journal:
Fight for the Future works to protect your rights in the digital age.