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Subject Chairman of Oklahoma Corporation Commission at OCPAC | Trump receives ҮЙ БҮЛ Family Medal
Date December 2, 2019 2:30 PM
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Chairman of Oklahoma Corporation Commission at OCPAC | Trump receives ҮЙ БҮЛ Family Medal OCPAC Weekly Insights Monday Edition December 2, 2019 This Wednesday's OCPAC Meeting December 4, 2019 Noon to 1 PM In Person and... Live on Blue Moose TV & Facebook Todd Hiett, Chairman Corporation Commission OCPAC Luncheon Speaker Todd Hiett helped lead the Republican shift in the Oklahoma House. In 2004, Republicans gained the majority position in the Oklahoma House for the first time in 80 years. With that transition, Todd Hiett became the Speaker of the House. Todd pushed through the largest tax cut in the state's history. In addition, he led the most significant right-to-life legislation in thirty years. This past April, Todd Hiett became the chairman of the Corporation Commission. He brings than twelve years of conservative legislative success as Speaker of the House. More than that, each Sunday, he and his family sit under the teaching of a pastor who, like America's founding pastors, believe Christians are under obligation to seek to make the will of Christ supreme in society. Todd's church family believes every Christian should seek to bring industry, government, and society as a whole, under the rule of Christ. Come hear Corporation Commission Chairman, Todd Hiett, this Wednesday. ‌ Edmond's Pepperoni Grill 1000 W Covell Road, Edmond, Ok 73003 PEPPERONI Grill 1000 W Covell Road, Edmond, OK 73003 Website here THIS WEDNESDAY NOON to 1 PM Buffet including food, salad bar, drink, tax, & tip: $15.00 Salad bar, drink, tax, tip: $8.00 Children: $5 $2 if not eating See menu at bottom of newsletter Today's Content The Foundation of Nations by Bob Linn Last Week at OCPAC Pat McGuigan Charlie Meadows The Right Flank OCPAC EDITORIAL Dr. Scott Lively Donald Trump receives honor World League of Citizens & Civic Associations ҮЙ БҮЛ Arnold Ahlert Unions | Democrats | Failing Schools 30 OKC Discrict Schools got an F Special Events James Robison Coming to City Elders January 2020 Chick-fil-A losing its savor Other OCPAC ~ CITY ELDERS Edmond's PEPPERONI Grill Restaurant Details Book Recommendations The Foundation of Nations by Bob Linn During his twelve years as a legislator, this week’s speaker promoted staunchly conservative values. Conservative values do not originate in governments. Only the Church’s exposition of Scripture develops the political seed required for robust nations. Our original thirteen colonies were the fruit of Godly men who saw themselves as furthering the Kingdom of God on the earth. Their Biblical foundation shaped our nation. The political foundations of Todd Hiett, this week’s speaker, are supported by the stated values of the church he attends. Like this week’s speaker, Dr. Scott Lively works to promote Christian values to governments globally. He spoke this year at our September 25 meeting and is featured in the OCPAC Political Minute below. Dr. Lively helped found the World League of Citizens and Civic Associations (WLCCA). The League promotes Godly influencers of global communities. Its 2019 award went to President Donald Trump (see below). Many positive political developments are beginning to sprout around the globe. We have a responsibility to nurture the growth of these movements. It has been said that politics is downstream from culture. It is equally true that culture is downstream from education. If we are to see a maturation of Christian nations, we must make Christian education an available choice for parents. Albert Ahlert has written an article which articulates well the present condition of American education. I have included his editorial below. (Ahlert was New York Post op-ed columnist for eight years and now writes for I wanted to mention education because the front page of last Wednesday’s Oklahoman (Nov 22, 2019) carried the headline “30 OKC district schools get F’s”. These results appear on a state website here. It is vital to understand that education, and everything else, is downstream from our pulpits. Regrettably, today’s pulpits are far more influenced by an ungodly culture rather than by the Word of God. Even those who have maintained a sense of Biblical faithfulness preach a Gospel more focused on getting our eternal reward than a vision of our earthly calling. I am encouraged by an optimistic perspective which leads me to think this will change. Hear positive political perspectives this Wednesday. Come to the OCPAC mid-week luncheon. Hear a results-oriented Oklahoma Patriot! Featured Last Week In Addition to Pat McGuigan ... Charlie Meadows OCPAC Founder The OCPAC Right Flank Logrolling and MAPS 4 At last Wednesday’s luncheon, Charlie spoke of a wide variety of issues. He added a few more comments regarding the logrolling practices of the OKC City Counsel. He then moved on to articulate the threats made by Oklahoma's Cherokee tribe to withhold educational funds if the schools they support do not teach Cherokee values. He also spoke about a couple of "snowflake" professors who may have needed counselling after Trump's 2016 victory. These were OSU professors. Makes one wonder if is is safe to let your children grow up to be cowboys! Speaking of City Counsel logrolling... The residents of OKC will vote on MAPS 4 next week. Vote on Tuesday, December 10. POLITICAL MINUTE Dr. Scott Lively President Trump Receives International Honor THE WORLD LEAGUE OF CITIZENS & CIVIC ASSOCIATIONS ҮЙ БҮЛ / Family” Medal to President Donald Trump Dr. Scott Lively is a founding partner of the World League of Citizens & Civic Associations (WLCCA). It is located in Bishkek, Krygyzstan (central Asia). Scott proposed that the Governing Council of WLCCA that the organisation award President Donald Trump the ҮЙ БҮЛ /Family medal. The “ҮЙ БҮЛ /Family” medal was established in 2017 to recognize individuals with global influence for “self-sacrificing, noble activities and personal contributions in preservation, development and protection of the social relationships based on permanent, imperishable, panhuman, recognized, universal, natural and traditional family values.” It was unanimously agreed that President Trump’s efforts to end the killing of unborn babies and international sex-trafficking, and to affirm the natural two-parent heterosexual family (by incrementally rolling back Obama-era LGBT extremism), overwhelmingly warrants acknowledgment by the issuing of the “ҮЙ БҮЛ /Family” award. Dr. Lively was authorized to present the medal to President Trump, and to specifically thank him for his most recent White House policy proposal to restore the right of faith-based adoption agencies to refuse adoption to homosexuals. It is the purpose of the WLCCA to unify the pro-family majority of the world’s population in the defense of these foundational principles of civilization without regard to racial, cultural, religious or political differences that may otherwise exist. The seven principles of WLCCA are as follows: The universal values of all humanity are grounded in the natural order of Creation. The foundation of civilization is the natural family: a man and a woman created to join together as one flesh to bear and raise children together with mutual love and nurturing. The true strength of a healthy nation is a network of natural families organized into natural communities which create stability and economic independence through mutual cooperation. The community which sets the best interest of its children as its highest priority guarantees the highest level of security, prosperity and happiness for everyone. A child’s best interest is to be raised in harmony with the natural world and respect for the God of Creation. The natural-life society allows for beliefs and practices that do not conform to majority views, and practices tolerance for those who respect the mainstream culture but choose to live outside of it. The natural life society also recognizes the value of technology that compliments the natural order without doing harm to it. The natural lifestyle simply prefers the natural to the artificial as a general, flexible principle: Natural foods as contrasted to artificial, genetically modified, or pesticide tainted foods; Natural healing as contrasted with artificial chemicals and processes; Natural persons as contrasted with “legal persons” such as corporations, robots, and “transhumans;” Natural families as contrasted with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or polyamorous groupings; and Natural communities made of independent, self-sufficient families as contrasted with forced urbanization and dependence on government. Qualification for this award is based solely on actions reflecting the seven universal principles of the WLCCA by individuals with international influence, and is not an endorsement of anyone’s actions or beliefs beyond the scope of these principles. Contact Scott Lively here. ‌ UNIONS | DEMOCRATS | FAILING SCHOOLS Arnold Ahlert I used to believe the dumbing-down of American school children was mostly borne of incompetence, courtesy of an Education Establishment that worshiped at the altar of “innovation,” even when it became demonstrably clear that much of it produced disastrous results. All that mattered was inculcating “cutting edge” ideas like Whole Reading and Common Core math into the curriculum. And when the inevitable failure occurred? Schools weren’t getting enough funding to succeed. Which brings us to the second dynamic utterly inimical to a well-informed nation: union-controlled public schools, marching in lockstep with the Democrat Party. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA), respectively contribute 100% and 98.6% of their campaign donations to Democrats, and the quid pro quo resulting from this unholiest of unholy alliances has become transparent: the party of big government needs government-dependent cannon fodder, and union-controlled schools are more than willing to provide it. Another reality with regard to this odious status quo is hardly ever discussed. All unions exist solely to benefit their members. Thus even under the best of circumstances, the needs of parents and their children remain a secondary consideration to teachers unions that promote—and protect—the interests of their members. Other union-protection schemes include lowering standards to produce higher graduating rates, cheating, and corruption so appalling that teachers in Atlanta’s grade-fixing scandal were convicted of racketeering. Thus it should surprise no one that a whopping 40-60% of high school “graduates” need remediation classes in English or math — or both — before entering college, and that only 36% percent of eighth-graders are proficient in reading, and only 34% are proficient in math. Yet somehow failing to teach more than six in 10 children basic skills — year after year —has become acceptable.  Why? Because when one nurtures a sufficient number of semi-literate, semi-numerate, and ultimately government-dependent individuals who know virtually nothing about civics, history or the Constitution —but everything about an inherently flawed nation that requires “fundamental transformation”—one further enables a Democrat Party seeking permanent power by any means necessary. Bottom line: it’s time for a national accounting. The Senate should hold nationally televised hearings on the state of American education, from pre-school through graduate school. It is one of the few venues where the filter of a corrupt mainstream media is least likely to be imposed, and where the rogue’s galley of scam artists, activists, and propagandists purporting to be educators can be taken to task in no uncertain terms. A rogue’s gallery that has become comfortable indoctrinating America’s students with contemptible nonsense that includes disseminating the transgender and “white privilege” agenda to elementary school children, the “hate speech” and “identity politics” agenda to college students, and the “social justice” agenda to future lawyers at grad schools like Harvard and Brown. The late Andrew Breitbart asserted that politics is “downstream” from culture. Everything is downstream from education, and unless we fix it, our devolution into another failed socialist state—or worse—is virtually assured. Fifty years of carefully orchestrated ignorance and mediocrity is more than enough. ‌ ‌ COMING TO CITY ELDERS James Robison Council & Confidant of the President Registration closed after December 31, 2019 Hear Vision 2020 here Tulsa, Oklahoma Thursday, January 9, 2020 6:30 PM Banquet Information & Tickets Vision 2020 A Black Tie Event Dark suit, ballroom attire, tux not a requirement The Marriott Hotel 1902 E 71st St, Tulsa, OK Chick-fil-A Losing its Savor Let them hear from you! Chick-fil-A Ends Support for Christian Charities Sign the AFA petition to Chick-fil-A here. ‌ ‌ The OCPAC compact with City Elders is significant for both organizations. Most importantly, the partnership is significant for the future of Oklahoma. __________________ If you live in the Tulsa Area, please attend their weekly Thursday morning meetings. It will be the highlight of your week! The Doubletree Hotel at 61st & Yale in Tulsa 8 A.M. to 10 A.M. Hear the vision of City Elders here. ‌ ‌ OCPAC Mid-Week Lunch is Served NOON to 1 PM Pepperoni Grill 1000 Covell Road, Edmond, OK 73003 Website here Lasagne Buffet, Salad Bar, drinks, tax: $15.00 Salad Bar, Drinks, Tax: $8.00 Children: $5.00 ______________________________ Bring your children and grandchildren. Build foundation of Biblical thought. Train future leaders. JOIN US LIVE STATE-WIDE You now have a choice of two platforms. TRY OUR NEW CONSERVATIVE-FRIENDLY BLUE MOOSE TV FEED Re-Broadcast Daily at Noon FACEBOOK FEED IS STILL AVAILABLE... ‌ ‌ Join Us This Wednesday NOON to 1 PM Pepperoni Grill 1000 Covell Road, Edmond, OK 73003 Website here  ‌ Purchase two great books two great OCPAC speakers. ____________ From Wed Nov 13, 2019: Christianity & State Rushdoony Available here. From Wed August 21, 2019: Crimes of the Educators Blumenfeld & Newman Available here. ‌ Not A Daycare Still an important read Dr. Everett Piper Dr. Piper is one of God's choice men. He is leading the way in the American Church and in the American Christian University by calling for a return to epistemological bedrock. I urge those of you who have not read his book, Not A Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth, to order a copy today. It is available very inexpensively here. SUBSCRIBE Help support OCPAC'S mission. Join OCPAC or send a contribution today!  To print donation form and mail a check, use the MAIL DONATION button below: HOW TO MAIL IN DONATION The button below will enable you to electronically join OCPAC or to make a donation through our website: DONATE THROUGH OCPAC WEBSITE OCPAC | P.O. Box 2021, Edmond, OK 73083 Unsubscribe Update Profile | About Constant Contact Sent by in collaboration with Try email marketing for free today!
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