
Dear John,

We are just over one week away from the Mass Poor People and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls! Your participation has been crucial for our mobilization, and we are counting on you to continue beating your digital drums to let everyone you know why you will #MeetUsinDC!     

This week, we are asking you to reach out to your faith communities to tell them they need to be a part of this powerful declaration on June 18. We need everyone to know why you’re going to DC and why they should join you. Please reach out to your houses of faith - synagogues, mosques, churches, temples, and more - and ask them to #MeetUsinDC!


June 18, 2022, is more than a day, it is a declaration of the pain, power and brilliance of the poor and low-wealth people in this country. We are hurting, but, in the face of ongoing injustice, we will not be silent anymore! 


Thank you for amplifying this message online - and in the streets! Together, we can revive the heart and soul of this nation. 


Forward Together, Not One Step Back, 


Rev. Dr. William Barber II and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis