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This is one of the most difficult emails I’ve had to write. 

The 50-year precedent set by Roe v. Wade is on the verge of being overturned. The Supreme Court’s draft decision would overturn the basic right to abortion and bodily autonomy. 

I won’t mince words: a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions is under a full-fledged attack at the Supreme Court — and in states like New Hampshire.

Anticipating the end of Roe, partisan politicians across the country are launching unprecedented efforts to eviscerate reproductive rights.

In state legislatures, Republicans have passed legislation defunding Planned Parenthood, banning abortion, and mandating unnecessary ultrasounds.

Republicans are also fighting harder than ever to flip swing seats like mine in New Hampshire to pack the Senate with anti-choice policymakers.

As a senator, I will always keep fighting to protect reproductive rights—no matter what attacks come my way—but New Hampshire is shaping up to be one of the top Senate battlegrounds in the country and I need your support. Will you join me by rushing in an urgent donation of $5?

I’m committing to seeing this fight through, but I can’t do it without your support. 

My team often says we don’t need every single person reading an email to take action. Today, that’s not true. The stakes are just too high for anyone to sit on the sidelines.

If you donate to just one email today, please make it this one. I won my last race by just 1,017 votes. Losing this seat could cost us our best line of defense in this fight: the Senate majority.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be automatically split between Maggie Hassan and Mark Warner:







Thank you for your strength. I know this has been tough.

With every good wish,

Maggie Hassan






Friends of Mark Warner
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Williamsburg, VA 23185
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