Dear John,
The dignity and safety of transgender kids is under attack. Less than a week ago, South Carolina introduced a bill to make it illegal for transgender kids to receive identity-affirming care and for doctors to provide that care. The bill goes directly against medical best practices as assigned by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Donate $10 to respond to attacks on transgender youth.
Similar bills have also been announced in Georgia and South Dakota. Risking the lives of millions of young people is wrong and unethical. Help us stop this from becoming a national trend.
We’re certain that you will stand and fight for transgender kids. Thank you for your generosity and for the way you show up over and over. Our members are gearing up to protect transgender kids in every city, to win this fight, they need you to stand with them.
Please donate $10 and commit to the work of protecting transgender kids across the nation.
With love and action,
David Topping
Director of Advocacy
and Civic Engagement
Equality Federation