This is what we’re up against.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver for NM Secretary of State Logo

The word is out. We’re going head to head with an election conspiracy theorist for Secretary of State.

New Mexico GOP nominates election denier to oversee elections

These stories highlight the extremism of our opponent, like her assertion that the U.S. voting systems are “no better than any other communist country like Venezuela or any of these other states where our elections are being manipulated,” and calling the 2020 presidential election a “coup.”

Earlier this week, the New York Times released a story about the movement to replace secretaries of state across the nation with anti-democracy candidates in order to prevent the popular vote getting in the way of electing their choice.

This isn’t just one extremist candidate. This is a coordinated attack on our elections across the nation, and New Mexico is not immune from it. Maggie has kept New Mexico’s elections transparent, accessible, and trustworthy throughout her years in office. Will you donate $10 today so she can keep it that way?

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We need fair, equitable access to the ballot box in order to protect our rights and make progress towards a better New Mexico. If these extremist candidates win, they will use the Big Lie to justify outlawing voting methods that hardworking New Mexican families rely on to have their voices heard. We can't let that happen. We have to keep rational, honest officials running our elections.


Team MTO

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