The London Green Bulletin

The latest news, views, and announcements from the London Green Party


We can keep winning more councillors across London

A fortnight ago, just outside London, the 550th Green Councillor was elected in England and Wales.


And here in London, we are focusing on two more opportunities to practise our council election campaign skills.

  • Malden Village (Kingston): 23-June
  • De Beauvoir (Hackney): 7-July

Action Days in June

Hackney Green Party candidate - Tyrone Scott

Kingston Green Party candidate - Lucy Howard


Say no to Bus Cuts

London Green Party is opposing the dramatic cuts to bus services proposed by the Mayor and Transport for London.


As part of our campaign, we've launched a petition to call on the Mayor to work with central government and local councils to find alternatives to these cuts.


For more details, and to sign and share the petition, see:


New Green Councillors already making a difference!

Our newly-elected councillors are already making a difference across London - here are a couple of Twitter threads showing some of what has been achieved:

Members required for Disciplinary, Disputes and Complaints Panel

We are working to ensure that disciplinary, disputes and complaints matters can be resolved locally to help local parties focus on campaigning for Green change rather than internal matters.


We need two more volunteers - could you help by being on this panel?

If you'd like to find out more, please contact David Farbey (email [email protected], mobile  07538 420 800), who is coordinating the establishment of the DCD panel.


London Greens back Trans Rights

London Green Party backs Trans Rights and a motion confirming this was passed at the most recent London Green Party members meeting.  You can see the motion here.

You received this email because you signed up to our mailing list on our website, took a campaign action, gave us your address at an event or because you're a member of the Green Party. Find out more about London Green Party here . Published and promoted by Chris Rose on behalf of the Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London, SE16 9GQ. Not a member? You can join today!