On Abortion Rights, 2020 Democrats Move Past ‘Safe, Legal and Rare’
(The New York Times) The Democratic presidential field has coalesced around an abortion rights agenda more far-reaching than anything past nominees have proposed, according to a New York Times survey of the campaigns. The positions reflect a hugely consequential shift on one of the country’s most politically divisive issues.
Dennis Horan on abortion and threats to the human right to life in a pre-Roe era
(Life, Liberty, and Law) Dennis Horan, a nationally prominent attorney, speaks to us in the present from his moment in the past. In this special historical episode of "Life, Liberty, and Law," Dennis speaks a mere six months before the emergence of Americans United for Life onto the national scene. Dennis speaks in Chicago to a gathering of Americans in remarks that would capture the tension and uncertainty of the pre-Roe era in America, as millions were awakening to the possibility of an all-male U.S. Supreme Court intervening to impose an anti-woman and anti-child jurisprudence in what would become Roe v. Wade.
New York’s latest bid to bully the religious
(New York Post) New York has some of the most liberal abortion laws in the world. Now, even those who object to extinguishing unborn life — even organizations whose mission is advocating for the dignity of life — might be compelled by law to hire employees who endorse and promote abortion.