Over 215 Women from Over 61 Counties Join Women for Greitens Coalition as Poll Finds Greitens #1 Choice Among GOP Women
St. Louis, MO— Governor Eric Greitens proudly announced the formation of the Women for Greitens coalition with over 215 women representing over 61 counties.

Yesterday, Fox 4 News reported that Governor Greitens is far and away the top choice among conservative women in Missouri—holding a 9-point lead over his nearest opponent among women voters.

Women for Greitens Co-Chair Robbie Brouk released the following statement:

“Strong, patriotic women all across Missouri are supporting Governor Eric Greitens because he is the only candidate willing to fight the RINO establishment and the radical Left alike. As Governor—despite the RINO establishment, Governor Greitens achieved the Missouri Miracle, making Missouri the safest state in the country for the unborn.”

The Women for Greitens coalition is proudly led by:

Kimberly GuilfoyleGreitens for US Senate National Chair
Senator Wendy Rogers, Retired Air Force Lt. Colonel
Jessie Jane Duff, Co-Chair of Veterans for Trump
Ann Dorn, Retired St. Louis police sergeant & widow of Captain David Dorn
Robbie Brouk, Greitens for US Senate grassroots director
Bridget Van Means, Missouri pro-life advocate 
Judy Henderson, Missouri business professional
Jennifer McElfresh, Missouri business professional
To join the Women for Greitens coalition, visit EricGreitens.com/women.