John, it's been a long weekend of eating, shopping, and relaxing. Now it's Cyber Monday, and we're hoping you'll help make a difference in politics by helping us win in 2020.

Over the 2018 Black Friday period, shoppers spent an average of $313. If everyone who gets this email gave $25, we could contribute the maximum amount to help re-elect 102 NewDems AND elect 51 candidates working to flip more seats blue. 

Our last deadline of the year is fast approaching. We know a lot of good causes are asking for your support. Here's why we are too:
  • Defeating President Trump depends on running up the score in NewDem districts. To win the White House, 56 NewDems need to win by BIG margins.
  • Democrats can only keep the House blue by re-electing NewDems. In 2018, 31 NewDems flipped seats to make the Democratic Majority in the House. 
  • We're already supporting 10 new candidates to flip more seats blue. Expanding our Democratic Majority is key to getting more things done for the middle class.
At the end of the month, we'll close our books and make them public. It's only the second deadline we've had this whole year. Will you contribute $25 or whatever you can afford today? 
Chip in $25 >>
Chip in Any Amount >>
Become a Majority Defender for $6 a month >>
Your contribution will help us build the campaign infrastructure to succeed in 2020 and beyond. You'll help us directly give NewDems resources. And you'll support expanding our online presence to reach more voters in key areas across the country. 

Can you give $25 or will you join our Majority Defenders program by giving $6 a month?
Become a Majority Defender for $6 a month >>
Chip in $25 >>

Or can you chip in anything you can afford?
We're so grateful for everything you do to stand with us. Please consider contributing before our last deadline of the year.

-Team NewDems
Chip in Any Amount >>
Chip in $25 >>
Become a Majority Defender for $6 a month >>
P.S. By becoming a Majority Defender, you'll get access to NewDem Race Updates about what we're doing to win in 2020.
Paid for by the New Democrat Coalition Action Fund,
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent by New Democrat Coalition Action Fund
233 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, 2nd Floor
Washington, D.C. 20003

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