Indian workers suffer as heat waves turn factories into 'furnaces'

Workers at India's manufacturing hubs are calling for cooling equipment and wider change as rising summer temperatures impact their health and power cuts disrupt their livelihoods

From Dhaka to Freetown, climate migration puts cities on alert

In climate-vulnerable nations, city mayors say they need cash and a bigger say in forging policies to deal with displacement caused by drought, storms and flooding

ACLU sues to stop Texas from treating transgender care as child abuse

After the Texas governor ordered child abuse investigations into families that provide minors with transgender care, a group backed by the American Civil Liberties Union sues

F1 would welcome an openly gay driver, says Vettel

The championship, which started in 1950, has had only male drivers on the starting grid since 1976 but has made a push for diversity and inclusion with teams showing support for the LGBTQ community.


OPINION: The world cannot afford inaction over the rising cost of disasters

The world cannot afford to continue its current trajectory in which countries create more new risks than they can prevent

OPINION: Nature-based solutions in Brazil are key to reaching global climate targets

While nature-based solutions are promising in theory, they are difficult to implement in practice

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