Muslim Reformer Shireen Qudosi responds
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People 'Not to Learn Islam From' -- Really? ([link removed]) Muslim Reformer Shireen Qudosi responds to a new list Read and Share ([link removed])
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After London Bridge Attack, Don’t Ask ‘Where Are the Moderate Muslims?’ ([link removed]) 'We're here, like we've always been, but no one was listening' Read ([link removed])
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Yazidi Girl Faints Confronting Her ISIS Rapist on Iraqi TV ([link removed]) Ashwaq Haji Hamid was only 14 when she was kidnapped Read ([link removed])
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News Analysis
French Prosecutors Won't Charge Jihadi Killer With Murder ([link removed]) Plus, why was the London Bridge attacker out of prison? Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
ISIS Kids Back in US; Mom Pleads Guilty to Terror Financing ([link removed])
“Kids can and do change. Rather than showing these kids their dad was right about the evils of America, we should show them the love and compassion that America has.”
- J.B.
True or False: ‘Ilhan Omar is a Qatari Asset’ ([link removed])
“By her actions and words alone, she is guilty as charged. But the evidence is not quite there yet.”
- A.J.
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