Hey -- New Jersey had its primary yesterday and Mikie earned more votes than all five of her GOP opponents combined.
We’re officially in the general election. Chip in right now to capitalize on our momentum.
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The GOP candidates failed to unite voters, because, frankly, the choices on the ballot ranged from bad to worse. From their extreme opinions on gun safety to their extreme opinions on the 2020 election, all of them are out of touch.
Voters were faced with candidates radically out of step with what New Jerseyans want: a leader who chooses unity over division; pointing the way forward over pointing fingers; and is focused on bringing down costs, standing up for our kids and gun safety, and defending women’s rights. That’s why 11th District voters overwhelmingly supported Navy veteran Mikie Sherrill in her primary and will re-elect her in November to continue putting country ahead of party and delivering for New Jersey.
Mikie’s fighting hard for New Jersey. Now, we need to fight hard for her. Will you chip in to get our campaign off to a strong start for the general election so we can re-elect Mikie?
Jackie Burns
Campaign Manager