New Republican plan shows climate as an election issue
This past Friday, House Republicans released a high-level plan indicating how their party would address climate and energy issues if they win power in the midterms this fall. This plan highlights six main areas in which House Republicans plan to introduce policy, in addition to the names of four energy bills they already support. The climate plan is the product of a task force created by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy last year. “We weren’t expecting to see something from the task force yet,” said Danny Richter, CCL’s VP of Government Affairs. “This is a good indicator that the party sees climate and energy as issues that are highly relevant to the midterm elections.” Danny added, “This is a step toward a democracy where we can pass climate priorities regardless of who’s in power,” which is critical to fully addressing climate change.
In other news this week: • Virtual registration for CCL’s June conference: Our annual conference starts this weekend, and you can follow along from home! Register here for the virtual sessions, speakers, and live chats, hosted by Brett Cease on Zoom. • June 2022 lobby trainings with Danny Richter: Prepare for June lobby meetings with this recap of Dr. Danny Richter’s trainings covering Congress, our primary and supporting asks, and more. • Carbon fee and dividend vs. carbon tax: As the carbon pricing discussion has picked up speed, politicians, media, and the public sometimes interchange the words “carbon fee and dividend” with “carbon tax.” Read this blog to learn more about the difference. • Economists support the fight for a carbon fee and dividend in Hawaii: Since 2019, a drive to enact a statewide carbon fee and dividend has played out in Hawaii. CCL volunteers have been at the forefront. Read more. |