Kevin McCarthy and his dark money donors are dead set on flipping this seat, and we can’t let them.

I have breaking news!! Washington Republicans just announced that they’re investing an additional $2.75 MILLION in attack ads against Matt!

I won’t beat around the bush – this is a massive ad buy that shows just how serious this race is for both parties. We need to respond in kind. Will you donate $100 to help us raise $20,000 to respond with our own ads?


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$50 $100
$250 $500
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Without your help, we’ll be overwhelmed by these ads and our voters won’t hear the truth about Matt’s priorities and all he’s accomplished for Northeastern Pennsylvania. Kevin McCarthy and his dark money donors are dead set on flipping this seat, and we can’t let them.

John, the fate of the House depends on whether we can keep PA-08 and we’re running out of time to respond to the massive amounts of money flooding our district from outside groups.

We need to respond in kind. Can I count on you to chip in $5, $50, or even $100 to help us respond so our messages aren’t drowned out? We have to act quickly to make our response.


Blakely Wall

Finance Director

Matt Cartwright for Congress

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Paid for by Cartwright for Congress

Cartwright For Congress
PO Box 414
Scranton, PA 18501
United States