In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
A growing number of terrorist prisoners are refusing to engage with efforts to deradicalise them, raising questions about the effectiveness of programmes
intended to protect the public.
The headteacher of a school at the centre of fierce protests over LGBT-inclusive lessons hopes her landmark court victory will protect other schools from
A man who stabbed two commuters and a police officer in a lone wolf terror attack on New Year's Eve last year has been sentenced to life in prison. The judge
ruled that the attacker's mental illness probably exacerbated "the seeds of Islamic radicalisation".
The prime minister has responded to criticism of comments about Islam from a column in 2005 by saying that "people are always going to drag out bits and
pieces that I have written over the years".
A Sikh Labour candidate has reported his Tory opponent to the police after he told him he was "talking through his turban" at an election hustings this week.
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