Dear Friends,

We at NRCAT are pleased to announce the official launch of our newest film, Torture in Our Name, with heartfelt thanks to everyone from the state anti-solitary campaigns who were a part of this project and helped to make it possible.

In this compelling 35-minute documentary for faith audiences, filmmaker Matthew Gossage showcases the tenacity and resilience of people who have faced the torture of solitary confinement first-hand and are working to end it once and for all.

We invite you to watch and share Torture in Our Name today!

The film traces the stories of state organizers in Louisiana, New Jersey, and New York where survivors of solitary and their allies have mounted successful legislative campaigns in their respective states. New Jersey (2019) and New York (2021) were the first two states in the nation to legislate bans on long-term isolated confinement.

Through poignant interviews with survivors whose stories have caused lawmakers to take notice, as well as faith community leaders who share their own journeys of finding their voice in the movement, Torture in Our Name will leave viewers inspired to get engaged. This film is an invitation for you to let your light shine and find your place in the movement.

NRCAT has prepared a comprehensive Discussion Guide to assist you in preparing for a screening of the film and discussion in your community. After screening the film, invite members of your religious community to add their names to NRCAT's new National Pledge: A Moral Call to End the Torture of Solitary Confinement that is also available in printable petition version at the end of the film’s Discussion Guide.

Help us let others know about the film -- use our Promotions Kit.

Tune in and prepare your community to take action! It’s time to say “no more” to the Torture in Our Name represented by solitary confinement in the U.S.

In solidarity and with hope,

The NRCAT Team

PS - Your donation to NRCAT during our Torture Awareness Month Fundraising Drive will help us get this film shown in congregations and communities across the country this year. 

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
PO Box 91820
Washington, DC 20090


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