
The Colorado Turnout Project is proud to announce our investment and partnership with the extraordinary team at Rideshare2Vote—an organization that helps remove barriers to voting for infrequent and low propensity voters, including many people who simply feel left behind by the political process.
Together, we will be contacting thousands of voters through joint phone banks and texting, and helping to boost turnout in two key races: the new toss-up 8th Congressional District and in CO-03 to unseat Lauren Boebert.
The difference between winning and losing in tight races and Midterm elections comes down to turning out the voters we can't afford to have on the sidelines. We are ready to talk to those voters and do what it takes to get them to vote for accountable, pro-democracy, and progressive representatives.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for fighting for accountability and political consequences for insurrectionists like Lauren Boebert. With your support, we are going to make a big impact in some crucial races in Colorado this year.

-Colorado Turnout Project Team
We are proudly grassroots! The average contribution to CTP is $23.69. If you can, keep supporting our mission with a recurring contribution of the average.
Paid for by the Colorado Turnout Project PAC
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the Colorado Turnout Project are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal tax income purposes