Yesterday we exposed in the Guardian just how much money big banks and their lobbyists spent influencing politicians and political parties last year. [1] The figures make for pretty shocking viewing. It helps explain why they get bailouts and tax cuts while the rest of us get austerity and tax rises.
John, we believe that no matter who we are or where we’re from, we all deserve an equal say in our democracy. But for too long, bankers and their lobbyists have been rigging our system to work in their favour. The result? Economic crashes, more lending for fossil fuel expansion, and money sucked up to greedy bankers in the city of London - and away from communities across the UK.
Now we want as many people as possible to learn the truth - so together we can demand change. John, please will you watch then share this exposé 2-minute video in two clicks now? The more of us who share it, the more chance we’ll transform our economy to work for people and planet. You can share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or email.
Yesterday, we put on an event in Parliament to launch our new report, ‘The Power of Big Finance - how to reclaim our democracy from the banking lobby’. [2] The public put their questions to our panel and they debated how we can start to change the rules for the better. (The full video of the event will be up on the Positive Money website next week.)
It’s a pretty timely debate. Because in the next few months the government is deciding on new rules for big banks post-Brexit. [3] There’s a real risk the banking lobbyists will win watered-down rules for themselves - but that’s exactly how we ended up with a financial crash and a totally unequal economy skewed towards rising property prices. [4]
John, the Positive Money movement started in the aftermath of the financial crash, as a counterweight to the banking lobby. We believe that banks should be tools that enable communities everywhere to thrive. But right now, it’s our government that’s become a tool of banks and corporations.
Our colleagues have spent months digging through the data on meetings with Treasury ministers, donations to political parties, and politicians’ second jobs. Now it’s time we laid the facts bare for all to see, and start a campaign together for change. John, please will you spare 2 minutes to watch then share this video?
Thank you for all you do,
Rachel, Nicole, David and the whole Positive Money team
Positive Money relies on donations from generous individuals like you to carry out our research, education work and campaign for a fairer money and banking system. Please will you make a secure donation now so together we can win sooner?