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Fellow American,

The sitting President of the United States just made the most INSANE announcement in modern American history...

"The Constitution, the Second Amendment was never absolute." - Joe Biden

When I heard him say this... my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe my own ears.

The Democrats are making a SICK play to strip Americans of our second amendment rights by exploiting the tragic deaths of children.

There are no words that can adequately describe how DESPICABLE this move is... but it's not unexpected.

That's who Joe Biden and the radical Democrats are at their core - remember what their motto is: "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

Joe Biden just went on national television and suggested than 9mm handguns - one of the most POPULAR firearms in America - should be BANNED.

Friend, there is no time left to waste. The only way to stop this madness is for us to band together and force Congress' hand and pressure them to STOP these crazed gun control measures.

We need your help on this one - will you sign the National Citizen Petition to STOP THE BIDEN GUN GRAB?

We're sending signed petitions to ALL 535 members of Congress and letting them know that We the People will NOT STAND for any infringements on our right to keep and bear arms.

If they don't STOP this radical assault on the 2nd amendment, we'll VOTE THEM ALL OUT!

If the Democrats get their way, the second amendment in this country is as good as GONE.

Just a few days ago Canada made it ILLEGAL to buy handguns in the entire country.

How long until that happens here in America? If Joe Biden gets his way, ALL firearms will be made illegal.

If you care about putting a stop to the Biden's illegal gun grab, then please add your name to the national petition today!

We only have a few days to get another 4,500 signatures. Can you help get Congress to ACT?

Add your name today.