Cleveland City Council calls for FirstEnergy to remove name
from Browns' stadium

Cleveland City Council delivered some of
the best news in recent memory Monday night as they voted 16-1 to pass a resolution
asking Akron-based FirstEnergy to
voluntarily remove its name from the Browns' stadium.
Councilman Brian Kazy introduced the
resolution two weeks ago. Kazy said FirstEnergy has failed to
acknowledge its criminal behavior by continuing to market itself using
the public’s taxpayer-funded stadium.
Ironically, council noted that
FirstEnergy Stadium receives its electricity from Cleveland Public
Power. FirstEnergy purchased the naming
rights of Cleveland’s football stadium for $107
million in 2013 as part of a 17-year deal.
This is an important first step and
we'll keep you informed of any developments.
Ohio's most appalling scandal...

Tuesday, our Crime with DeWine campaign released “The Bribery Bunch,” a parody video recapping the
activities stemming from the $61 million bribery and racketeering
scandal surrounding House Bill 6.
The video recalls the famous Brady Bunch opening credits
to specifically name those most closely related to the scandal,
including both Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted.
Bribery and corruption have been tolerated in Ohio for too
long. Please tell the Governor
that we want the Bribery Bunch
Youngstown joins Power A Clean
Future Ohio

Youngstown is now the 31st Power A Clean Future Ohio
Community! And Youngstown didn't just pass a resolution to join PCFO -
they also made a bold commitment to cut their greenhouse gas emissions
in half by 2030.
There are huge opportunities for cities to ramp up their
leadership in the global fight against climate change by continuing to
increase and accelerate their climate actions. While there is still so
much to do, in many cities across Ohio this work is already underway
thanks to your support.
Thanks- we couldn't do this without you!

Ohio Citizen Action
P.S. Would you chip in $20 to help us keep
fighting? We work to hold utilities accountable and
to weaken their influence on our democracy.